Beta 2024.5.22.1274

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.5.22.1274 is a Resonite version released on 2024/05/22.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Hello everyone! This is more of a "personal" update, since I've been sick with COVID for past several days >///> I decided to pick up a thing I wanted to do for a good bit, adding the native face & eye tracking support for Quest Pro since I have it with me right now.
This builds integrates the Quest Pro face tracking into our general face & eye tracking system. Since it supports more parameters, the general system has been expanded with new expressions and capabilities!
If you got avatar setup already, it'll work out of the box, since most got mapped to the existing parameters. But there's also whole bunch of new ones too.
If you're using Vive Pro Eye + Vive Face tracker, the system will also optionally estimate some of them for you as well - you're given some new controls to determine if certain expressions should be estimated or not.
Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this update regardless, there will be more cool stuff coming soon! :3

New Features:

  • Added native support for Quest Pro eye & face tracking over SteamLink OSC
    • It should work out of the box as long as it's enabled in SteamVR
    • You can select which port to receive data on (9000 or 9015) in Settings under Devices
  • Expanded generalized face & eye tracking support with new parameters (available on AvatarExpressionDriver)
    • Mouth Dimple (left & right)
    • Cheek Raise
    • Lip Overturn (Funnel) has been split between left & right
    • Lip Overlay / Underlay (suck in) has been split between left & right
    • Lip Stretch / Tighten
    • Lips press
    • Pout (pucker) has been split between left & right
    • Nose Wrinkle (snarl)
    • Chin Raise (bottom and top)
    • Eyebrow vertical offset for inner & outer side
  • Eye tracking system is now aware of whether pupil tracking is supported or not
    • For eye tracking hardware that does not support pupil tracking (e.g. Quest Pro), EyeManager will automatically simulate it as normal
    • If you're accessing the raw data, the value will be less than 0 (-1)
  • Face tracking system now communicates which sets of parameters it tracks
    • This ensures that data streams are setup only for the ones that are needed
    • AvatarExpression driver will try to estimate parameters that are not tracked when enabled
  • Added EstimateIfNotTracked to expression drivers on AvatarExpressionDriver
    • Disabling this will not drive given expression if it's not directly tracked
    • Note that some expressions are never directly tracked at the moment, so they will never be driven if you disable this


  • SRAnipal will not be automatically started when running over SteamLink


  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged German locale update by @Muppeq
  • Merged French locale update by @Jae “awa” J4
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
  • Merged English locale fix by @Delta and @Muppeq
  • Merged Finnish locale update by @Toni Kat
  • Merged Chinese locale update by modimobeikete