Beta 2024.5.23.1416

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.5.23.1416 is a Resonite version released on 2024/05/23.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Hello everyone! I'm still recovering a bit, so I went through some smaller funner things today. So here's a few small cool things!
Oh I also managed to fix the freezing thing when connecting/disconnecting audio!

New Features:

  • Add ability to tint sprite glyphs (requested by @Delta, issue #1469)
    • You can mark sprites to be globally tintable on DynamicSpriteFont, by checking "Tintable" on each glyph
    • You can also override tinting behavior using "tint=true/false" syntax for the sprite tag
  • Add BooleanUserOverrideGather (requested by @Jack, issue #1014)
    • This functions like normal ValueUserOverride<bool>
    • However it also computes aggregate values for all users present in the session (uses Default value if given user doesn't have an override)
    • The aggregate values are: Any, None, All, TrueCount and FalseCount
  • Add NumericUserOverrideGather<T> (requested by @Jack, issue #1014)
    • This functions like normal ValueUserOverride<T> with T being a numeric type
    • It also computes aggregate values for all users present in the session (default value is used for users who are not overriden)
    • Aggregate values are Min, Max, Sum and Average
  • Added RoundedCornerRadius to CircleSegmentShaderMesh (requested by @Modern, issue #2080)
  • Add MMC24 special badges (requested by @Medra, icons by @Raptoranim)


  • Parameter parsing for RTF tags is now more robust and able to skip starting & ending whitespaces
  • Add mechanism that inherits setting values from the machine settings when the setting first initializes for a logged in user
    • Some setting types are excluded from this - notably host access & bans
    • This fixes new user settings set in the intro wizard not persisting after user registers account (reported by @zbossgamer, issue #1951)


  • Merged Korean locale update by @MirPASEC
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
  • Merged German locale update by @Muppeq
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged Chinese locale update by modimobeikete


  • Fix a deadlock when re-scanning audio devices on change, resulting in random freeze when audio devices are connected or disconnected (reported by @mrkbx, @Shifty, @ohzee, niddey, @Venport, dragos240, @Inucune, issue #1739)