Beta 2024.5.31.37

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.5.31.37 is a Resonite version released on 2024/05/31.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

A smaller build today again, I was working on some administrative stuff and some stuff that's longer (working some more on the LNL library!), but there's some goodies!
There's new Sociable status! If you want to indicate to users you want to be poked and invited, just switch to this status! This should make it easier when people are hanging in hidden or private worlds and you don't want to send everyone a poke. If you don't like to receive those notifications, you can disable that too in settings!
There's more privacy settings too! And some quality of life fixes and tweaks.

New Features:

  • Added new "Sociable" online status (based on request by Cometstreak, @Azavit, issue #909)
    • When you switch to this status, all your contacts will receive an audible notification that you are sociable, with a prompt to poke or invite you
    • If you do not like to receive this notification, it can be disabled in Settings -> User Interface -> Notifications. Disabling the setting will treat "Sociable" no different than "Online" for notification purposes
  • Added privacy setting that will strip EXIF data from images on import (implemented by @ProbablePrime, issue #2015)
  • Add Thai font to the font chain to support Thai language


  • Lower offset factor/units values on UI ZWrite material to prevent graphical artifacts (based on feedback by @Euphoria, gameboycjp, @Rustybot, TisFoolish, @ohzee, issue #2141)
  • AllowedURLHosts configuration for headless now also allows OSC connections (based on feedback by djsime1, issue #2158)
    • To allow OSC Receiver on given port, the host must be "localhost"
  • Mark workspaces as modified when a template facet gets loaded, to ensure that the load/upgrade doesn't need to run on every single startup
    • This should generally speed up loading of facets


  • Merged English locale fixes by @Toni Kat
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged Chinese locale update by modimobeikete
  • Merged initial Thai locale by @hayper


  • Fixed "Save To Inventory" showing "You must be logged in to save items" when it shouldn't (reported by @Moonbase, issue #2160, fixed by @ProbablePrime)
  • Fixed laser sticking to random points on passthrough interaction targets
    • This fixes laser having lingering collisions on the view facets (reported by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2], issue #2153)