Beta 2024.6.10.1405

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.6.10.1405 is a Resonite version released on 2024/06/10.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Introducing Resonite Package format! You can now export and import any items from Resonite to a standalone package format, which includes everything needed for that item without any reliance on the cloud.
This can be useful for distributing fully setup Resonite items and avatars outside of Resonite (e.g. on Gumroad or Discord) and making it very easy for users to bring these packages in - just drag & drop them like any other file and they'll import right away. If the avatar is setup with SimpleAvatarProtection, it will be automatically remapped to the importing user too, so the avatars can be setup with full protection from the get go.
There are two main options for making the package - default and with variants (the +Variants option). Including variants will result in a bigger package, but make the imported item show up much faster - without them user has to calculate the variants on import.
You can also use this feature for local backups if you want to as well!
There's a bunch of bugfixes (most of them relating to the export dialog) too.
I hope this feature is useful to you and creators and opens up some cool new options for distributing content on Resonite!

New Features:

  • Implemented .ResonitePackage format for exporting items from Resonite to local file and importing back (requested by Narazaka, @akiRAM, @Jack, ko-tengu, bdunderscore, gameboyjcp, @lill, @Spex, @Stella, @marsmaantje, @haz, kisaragiEffective, djsime1, @FuzzyFoxe , issue #950)
    • You can export any item through the file browser, which will now offer Resonite Package as export format
    • This format exports/imports the object 1:1 (except the exact asset URL's) to show it is in Resonite without any reliance on the cloud. This includes all necessary assets and components (including ProtoFlux)
    • This format can be used for distributing items/avatars independently from the cloud, with everything needed in the package
    • You can also use this format if you want local backups of your items
    • You can export the package with all variants included - this will make a bigger package, but also the imported object will load much faster. Without the variants the user will have to compute them locally on import, which can take significant amount of time
    • Note that exporting worlds through world orbs is not supported right now. This can be added if there's interest, but requires more work
  • Add OnPackageImported event node (under Flow/Events)
    • This will fire when the object is imported from a Resonite Package
    • This lets you do any custom setup and actions when user imports a package
  • SimpleAvatarProtection is now Resonite Package aware and will remap itself to the user who imported the package
    • This lets you setup avatars with full protection on and have this protection be automatically applied to given user
    • If you don't want this behavior, you can uncheck the new ReassignUserOnPackageImport property
    • Generally if you want to use this for backup purposes, make sure the not share the package file with anyone. Even if the checkbox is unchecked, the package contains all the raw files, which can be easy to extract for users


  • Worlds can be started with Unsafe mode on only from dialogs in the Userspace (based on security report by TheAutopilot, ticket #409776, fixed by @ProbablePrime)


  • Export dialog now updates the extension based on the selected option
  • Improve audio & video exportable strings in the export dialog
  • is now recognized as video stream when importing (requested by @Faeith, issue #1543)


  • Merged Korean locale update by @MirPASEC
  • Merged French locale update by @Jae “awa” J4
  • Merged Chinese locale update by modimobeikete
  • Merged German locale update by @Muppeq
  • Merged Finnish locale update by @Toni Kat
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]


  • Fix exporting items by grabbing and holding them exporting empty objects
    • If there are multiple exportables of the same type within the object, they will not be offered to export - make sure to only grab a single item
    • If you grab multiple separate items, export option won't be offered - make sure to only grab one item
  • Fix asset variants not being found in some cases due to the base URL including an extension
  • Fix export dialog UI generating duplicated options when there are multiple exportables
  • Fixed crash when using ValueConstantLerp and supplying any input with NaN (based on security report by @二酸化カメレオン(ChameleonO2), ticket #734466, fixed by @ProbablePrime)
    • ValueConstantLerp now propagates NaN to the output when any input is supplied with NaN values. However it will resume normal operation once given normal inputs again