Beta 2024.9.12.772

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.9.12.772 is a Resonite version released on 2024/09/12.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Got another build with more improvements and additions for the locomotion system. There's a number of tweaks which should make it behave and look better and fix some of the weirdness.
I think it's pretty ready to get some of the community made tunings integrated, so if you're helping to fine tune the parameters, give this build a try, I'll be looking at them soon.
There's also more additions to the footstep system - it's now super easy to setup worlds with footstep sounds! You just need to create footstep sound definitions for various materials - you can select/modulate them based on the foot impact velocity and other parameters and then you just need to apply a single component to the collider surfaces for this to work.
It works with submeshes (so you can match different sounds to different materials) and there's a component to work with splatmaps too!
There's still more to do with the system, but this should be adding a bunch more polish and giving you some extra goodies at the side as well!

New Features:

  • Added FootstepSoundDefinition for defining a single footstep sound "material"
    • You can have multiple clips for each definition, where one is chosen randomly based on the footstep specifics and weight
    • Each sound can be limited to play only if the footstep impact velocity is within MinVelocity & MaxVelocity - this lets you use different sound effect clips depending on how fast the player is walking/running
    • Each sound can also be limited to play only for walking on the ground or only when the player lands after falling/jumping. You can also limit clips to play only for the left or right foot
    • You can modulate the sound pitch and volume based on the velocity and add a random variation to each as well
    • The idea of this component is that you can easily reuse it for lots of colliders and parts of the world - e.g. by creating a preset for walking on grass, wood, metal and so on
  • Added FootstepSoundPlayer component
    • Place this on any collider that you want to produce sound effects when players walk on them
    • You can reference one or more "sound materials". Use multiple if you want each submesh of a mesh collider to produce a unique sound effect
    • If only a single material is defined, it will be always used, regardless if the foot lands on a submesh
    • The sound material component can be individual FootstepSoundDefinition or a component that handles further selection
  • Added FootstepSoundSplatmapSplitter
    • This component is a sound material that can be plugged to FootstepSoundPlayer
    • It allows you to reference a splatmap and then play appropriate sound effect depending on which part was hit - selecting unique sound effects for R, G, B or A, depending which channel has highest value
    • The splatmap needs to be a readable texture for this to work
    • This only works with UV mapped mesh colliders
  • Add SelfFootstepEventRelay (requested by @Jack, issue #2921)
    • Placing this in the hierarchy of the user lets you receive all footstep events generated by that user
    • You can use this directly as the source for the FootstepEvents node


  • Add landing velocity to the velocity of a footstep event after falling
    • This will more accurately represent the impact velocity of the foot on landing
  • Improve forward movement reference handling to be smoother and prevent rapid flipping between front/backwards movement when moving sideways (based on report by @Zyro, issue #2922)
  • Reworked knee effector calculation to produce better knee poses and avoid the leg randomly twisting around
    • Note that it can still misbehave when crouching, particularly depending on the avatar and how the IK is configured


  • Fix locomotion forward reference flipping when looking up
  • Fix LocomotionState not being marked as data model type
    • This fixes DebugLocomotionSimulator causing crash when added in a session with users (reported by @Moonbase, @Draconas Rayne🎈, Orion_Moonclaw, issue #2927)
  • Fix footstep events being missed when landing at high velocity