CJ Janitor Bot

From Resonite Wiki

The CJ (Creator Jam) Janitor bot is a system built by Stellanora for Creator Jam to sort users into their own separated slots / containers to both organize users creations and to help identify who built what during a Creator Jam.

This keeps root clean and allows users to better organize their build as all of their work is under their user slot.

The system uses the Allocating User node to determine who has created / spawned different objects.

It is not world dependent, and is automatically installed into any world it is activated in for the first time.

Slot structure:

 - Janitor bot system
   - janitor bot <version>
   - Users
      - <User's container> (contains everything the user is allocating to)
        - <User> 
   - orphan objects
   - Groups (requires Group Manager)

An optional group manager can be spawned to allow multiple users to join the same container, and allow all their spawned objects to be parented under the group.

Both the janitor bot and group manager can be found in this public folder: resrec:///U-Crusher/R-a9e2cab2-1197-4e8f-968c-195dd43e76d6