
Category page
Node Name Description
Can Be Grabbed Checks if a slot can be grabbed by a grabber from a user.
Get User Grabber Gets the user's grabber from a body node.
Grabbable Grabber Uses the slot's grabbable to get whoever is grabbing this slot.
Grabbable Priority Returns the slot's grababble priority (higher has more priority).
Grabber Body Node Takes any grabber and returns the body node associated with it.
Is Grabbable Grabbed Checks if a slot is being grabbed right now.
Is Grabbable Receivable Checks if a slot's grabbable component is receivable for surfaces.
Is Grabbable Scalable Checks if a slot's grabbable component is scalable.
On Grabbable Grabbed Fires events when a grabbable slot is grabbed by the user.
On Grabbable Receiver Surface Received Fires events when a grabbable slot is received on to a grabbable surface.
On Grabbable Released Fires events when a grabbable slot is released from the user.
Release All Grabbed Releases all grabbed slots from a user's body node.