
Category page
Node Name Description
TimeSpan Days Returns the Number of Days in the TimeSpan.
TimeSpan From Days Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Days.
TimeSpan From Hours Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Hours.
TimeSpan From Milliseconds Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Milliseconds.
TimeSpan From Minutes Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Minutes.
TimeSpan From Seconds Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Seconds.
TimeSpan From Ticks Creates a TimeSpan that lasts the provided number of Ticks.
TimeSpan Total Days Returns every passed Day in the TimeSpan summed up.
TimeSpan Total Hours Returns every passed Hour in the TimeSpan summed up.
TimeSpan Total Milliseconds Returns every passed Millisecond in the TimeSpan summed up.
TimeSpan Total Minutes Returns every passed Minute in the TimeSpan summed up.
TimeSpan Total Seconds Returns every passed Second in the TimeSpan summed up.