
Category page
Node Name Description
Active UserRoot User Returns the user reference with a provided UserRoot.
Controller Slot Returns the user's controller slot that is found on the user's UserRoot.
Feet Position Gets the average position in global space of the provided user's feet.
Feet Rotation Gets the average rotation in global space of the provided user's feet.
Get Active UserRoot Returns the nearest parent user's UserRoot.
Hand Slot Returns the users hand slot from a user's UserRoot.
Head Facing Direction Gets the Forward of the provided user's head in global space.
Head Facing Rotation Gets the rotation of the provided user's head in global space.
Head Position Gets the position of the provided user's head in global space.
Head Rotation Gets the rotation of the provided user's head in local space.
Head Slot Returns the users head slot from a user's UserRoot.
Hips Position Gets the position of the provided user's hips in global space.
Hips Rotation Gets the rotation of the provided user's hips in global space.
Left Hand Position Gets the position of the provided user's left hand in global space.
Left Hand Rotation Gets the rotation of the provided user's left hand in global space.
Right Hand Position Gets the position of the provided user's right hand in global space.
Right Hand Rotation Gets the rotation of the provided user's right hand in global space.
Set Feet Position Sets the average position of the provided user's feet in global space.
Set Feet Rotation Sets the average rotation of the provided user's feet in global space.
Set Head Facing Direction Sets the Forward of the provided user's head in global space.
Set Head Facing Rotation Sets the rotation of the provided user's head in global space.
Set Head Position Sets the position of the provided user's head in global space.
Set Head Rotation Sets the rotation of the provided user's head in local space.
Set Hips Position Sets the position of the provided user's hips in global space.
Set Hips Rotation Sets the rotation of the provided user's hips in global space.
User Root Global Scale Gets the scale of the provided user's Root Slot in global space.