
From Resonite Wiki
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Account Migration Status component as seen in the Scene Inspector

This component is able to take a taskID of a migration on the cloud, and is able to display the information about said Migration. This info is grabbed from a AccountMigrationTask object internally which is returned by the SkyFrost API.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
TaskId String A UUID of a task that has been done, waiting, or is being done on the SkyFrost cloud.
Exists Bool Whether TaskId is a valid ID for a task on the cloud
Name String The name of the found migration task.
Description String The description of the task. Usually starts with "Account Migration" or "Favorites migration"
State MigrationState Also known as "Status", this will show whether the task has started, and if it's done or currently running.
EstimatedQueuePosition Nullable`1<Int> An estimate of the migration task's position on the list of migrations the SkyFrost servers are currently doing. This number can be high if a huge influx of migrations is happening at the current time.
StartCount Int Usually 1 for some reason

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CreatedOn DateTime When the migration task was submitted to the list of migrations to be done on the cloud
StartedOn Nullable`1<DateTime> When the cloud started to migrate the items for this task.
CompletedOn Nullable`1<DateTime> When the Cloud completed this migration task.
RecordsPerMinute Double A calculation average of how fast the SkyFrost cloud is transfering items from the source platform to Resonite.
CurrentlyMigrating String What type of thing the cloud is currently migrating?
CurrentItem String What item the cloud is currently migrating for this task.
TotalRecordCount Int How many records this migration task is to migrate in total.
TotalMigratedRecordCount Int How many records this migration has successfully migrated so far.
TotalFailedRecordCount Int How many records this migration failed to migrate.
TotalMigratedVariableCount Int How many Cloud Variables that the user has created themselves that this migration task has to migrate in total.
TotalMigratedVariableDefinitionCount Int How many Cloud Variable Definitions this migration task has to migrate in total.
TotalContactCount Int How many friend connections that this migration task has to migrate in total.
MigratedContactCount Int How many friend connections that this migration task has migrated so far.
MigratedMessageCount Int How many messages sent by the user that this migration task has migrated so far.
TotalGroupCount Int How many groups that the user has created that this migration task has to migrate in total.
MigratedGroupCount Int How many groups that the user has created that the migration task has migrated so far.
TotalMigratedMemberCount Int How many member names of groups that the user has created has been migrated by the migration task.


does not work outside of user space.


Used inside of the migration panel tab

See Also