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AvatarExpressionDriver component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Allows the assignment of the IMouthTrackingSourceComponent to blendshapes.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
DataSource IMouthTrackingSourceComponent The component that is providing raw mouth tracking data from a physical or virtual device on a machine.
StrengthMultiplier Float Determines strength of expressions
VolumeSource IField`1<Float> A volume source like a Volume Meter that is used to determine facial tracking better.
SilenceSource IField`1<Float> A silence source like the target value of the Silence field on a Direct Viseme Driver
ExpressionDrivers list of AvatarExpressionDriver.ExpressionDriver A list of Expression Drivers that take facial data and drive a float or blendshape with the data.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
AutoAssign:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler Assign blendshapes to this component's drivers and create new drivers based on heuristics.


Name Type Description
Target field drive of Float The blendshape or float to drive with this type of expression
Expression AvatarExpression The expression to take from the parent AvatarExpressionDriver and drive Target with it.
EstimateIfNotTracked bool Whether to take a guess to this expression's value if it is not tracked
Min float The minimum value to drive Target to.
Max float The maximum value to drive Target to.
VolumeSupressionStrength float The amount to reduce the effect on Target when the user is speaking.


The different expressions an ExpressionDriver can have when driving any float value (or blendshapes)

This list is ever constantly expanding, and as such will be incomplete for vast periods of time. Feel free to help us fill this table.

Name Value Description
Smile How much the user is smiling on average with mouth open slightly
SmileLeft How much the left lip corner is going up with mouth open slightly
SmileRight How much the right lip corner is going up with mouth open slightly
SmirkLeft How much the left lip corner is curling, estimated if not present.
SmirkRight How much the right lip corner is curling, estimated if not present.
Frown How much the user is frowning on average.
FrownLeft How much the left lip corner is going down
FrownRight How much the right lip corner is going down
MouthDimple How much the mouth is squishing inward in a strained frown, estimated if not present.
MouthDimpleLeft How much the mouth is squishing inward in a strained frown left side, estimated if not present.
MouthDimpleRight How much the mouth is squishing inward in a strained frown right side, estimated if not present.
TongueOut How much the user is sticking their tongue out
TongueRaise How much the user is curling their tongue upwards and out
TongueExtend How much the user is sticking their tongue out 2
TongueLeft How much the user is putting their tongue out to the left
TongueRight How much the user is putting their tongue out to the right
TongueDown How much the user is putting their tongue out and downwards
TongueUp How much the user is putting their tongue out to and upwards
TongueRoll How much the user is rolling their tongue like a taco shape.
TongueHorizontal How much the tongue is flattening horizontal
TongueVertical How much the tongue is squishing vertical
TongueUpLeft How much the user is putting their tongue out to the left and up
TongueUpRight How much the user is putting their tongue out to the right and up
TongueDownLeft How much the user is putting their tongue out to the left and down
TongueDownRight How much the user is putting their tongue out to the right and down
SmileClosed How much the user is smiling on average, estimated
SmileClosedLeft How much the left lip corner is going up, estimated if not present.
SmileClosedRight How much the right lip corner is going up, estimated if not present.
Grin How much the user is lifting their upper lip while smiling, estimated if not present.
GrinLeft How much the user is lifting their upper lip while smiling left side, estimated if not present.
GrinRight How much the user is lifting their upper lip while smiling right side, estimated if not present.
Angry How much the user is lifting their lips while frowning, estimated if not present.
CheekPuffLeft How much the user is puffing out their cheeks left side
CheekPuffRight How much the user is puffing out their cheeks right side
CheekPuff How much the user is puffing out their cheeks
CheekSuckLeft How much the user is pulling in their cheeks left side
CheekSuckRight How much the user is pulling in their cheeks right side
CheekSuck How much the user is pulling in their cheeks
LipRaiseUpperLeft How much the user is lifting their upper lip left side
LipRaiseUpperRight How much the user is lifting their upper lip right side
LipRaiseLowerLeft How much the user is lifting their lower lip left side
LipRaiseLowerRight How much the user is lifting their lower lip right side
LipRaiseUpper How much the user is lifting their upper lip
LipRaiseLower How much the user is lifting their lower lip
LipMoveLeftUpper How much the user is shifting their upper lip to the left
LipMoveRightUpper How much the user is shifting their upper lip to the right
LipMoveLeftLower How much the user is shifting their lower lip to the left
LipMoveRightLower How much the user is shifting their lower lip to the right
LipMoveHorizontalUpper How much the user is shifting their upper lip
LipMoveHorizontalLower How much the user is shifting their lower lip
LipTopOverturn How much the user is flipping their upper lip upwards like an ape
LipBottomOverturn How much the user is flipping their lower lip downwards like an ape
LipUnderlayUpper How much the user is putting their upper lip under their lower lip
LipUnderlayLower How much the user is putting their lower lip under their upper lip
JawLeft How much the user is shifting their lower jaw to the left
JawRight How much the user is shifting their lower jaw to the right
JawHorizontal How much the user is shifting their lower jaw horizontally
JawForward How much the user is shifting their lower jaw forward
JawDown How much the user is opening their jaw but keeping their mouth closed
JawOpen How much the user is opening their jaw
Pout How much the user is making a kissy face
PoutLeft How much the user is making a kissy face left side
PoutRight How much the user is making a kissy face right side
NoseWrinkle How much the user's face muscles are pushing up under the nose, estimated if not present.
NoseWrinkleLeft How much the user's face muscles are pushing up under the nose left side, estimated if not present.
NoseWrinkleRight How much the user's face muscles are pushing up under the nose right side, estimated if not present.
ChinRaise How much the user is pulling up their chin
ChinRaiseBottom How much the user is pulling up their chin bottom side
ChinRaiseTop How much the user is pulling up their chin top side



See Also