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Component image 
Avatar Raw Eye Data component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The AvatarRawEyeData component provides the eye tracking data on a particular User. This component links to a user upon being part of an Avatar that a user equips.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
LeftEye direct EyeData Data about the left eye from the user's eye tracking device
RightEye direct EyeData Data about the right eye from the user's eye tracking device
CombinedEye direct EyeData Data about combined eye Data from the user's tracking device
ConvergenceDistance Float The User's eye tracking convergence distance data
Timestamp Double The timestamp value gotten directly from the eye tracking device.
_activeUser User The user that the component is reading eye tracking data from.


Name Type Description
IsTracking bool Whether the device is tracking this eye.
Origin Float3
Direction Float3 the direction the eye is looking
PupilDiameter float The diameter of the eyes in mm
Openness float Whether the eyes are open or closed.
Widen float how wide the eyes are in surprise
Squeeze float how much the eyes are squinting
Frown float how much the eyes are affected by the face stretching into a frown
InnerBrowVertical float The vertical movement of the inner edge of the eyebrow
OuterBrowVertical float The vertical movement of the outer edge of the eyebrow


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See Also