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Component image 
AvatarRawToolData component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The AvatarRawToolData component is used to read controller data associated with RawDataTools from.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
ControllerSide Chirality The side to read data from the user's controller for.
PressingPrimary raw output of Bool Whether the user is pressing Primary
PressingSecondary raw output of Bool Whether the user is pressing Secondary.
PressingGrab raw output of Bool Whether the user is pressing the grab button
PrimaryStrength raw output of Float The strength the user is pressing Primary.
SecondaryAxis raw output of Float2 What direction the user is moving their secondary button joystick
_activeUser User The user this is reading data and getting streams from.
_strengthStream ValueStream`1<Float> The stream to get PrimaryStrength's value from
_axisStream ValueStream`1<Float2> The stream to get SecondaryAxis's value from.
_primaryStream ValueStream`1<Bool> The stream to get PressingPrimary's value from.
_secondaryStream ValueStream`1<Bool> The stream to get PressingSecondary's value from.
_grabStream ValueStream`1<Bool> The stream to get PressingGrab's value from.



See Also