
From Resonite Wiki

Component image 
Biped Rig component as seen in the Scene Inspector

This component is used by ProtoFlux and other Resonite systems to read the different parts of an anthro/humanoid avatar by Body Node. This is created and assigned to by the Assimp import system that FrooxEngine uses internally, and cannot be edited in game without mods. If this component is deleted, internal code or ProtoFlux might not be able to read what parts of your body are which Body Node designation, and will cause issues in user creations and some FrooxEngine functions. If the Biped Rig is not present or it does not contain the slot for the Body Node, the Body Node search will fallback to looking for AvatarObjectSlot components on the user instead.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ForwardAxis Nullable`1<Float3> The forward direction the VRIK should use when setting up the VRIK in the game internally. Is not used after the avatar is generated by Assimp. Mostly for debugging.
Bones direct SyncRefDictionary`2<BodyNode, Slot>

Special Functions

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
GetRigDiagnosticInfo() null Gets the list of Body Nodes and their assignments for this component. Usually points to an avatar and it's body bones. Displays it in a text object and shows the bones by name.
GenerateDebugVisual() null Generates a bunch of boxes that highlight the collider(s) components each body node slot.
ClearDebugVisual() null Gets rid of any debug visuals that may have been generated by Generate Debug Visuals.
OnDetectHandRigs() null Will try to detect the hand rigs of both hands based on the current data within the component and the current bone names of the avatar.
OnDetectLeftHand() null Will try to detect the hand rigs of the left hand based on the current data within the component and the current bone names of the avatar.
OnDetectRightHand() null Will try to detect the hand rigs of the right hand based on the current data within the component and the current bone names of the avatar.


This component can be used to try to fix malformed or misdetected hands by using it's special functions. It can also be used to check which parts of an avatar are recognised as which Body Nodes for debugging and bug reports.


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