
From Resonite Wiki
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Bool 3To Bool 2Swizzle Driver component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Swizzle drivers are a type of component that allow for taking the components of a packed value (packed 3 or 4s) and rearrange them into the output. The different packed channels are numbered 0->2 for pack 3's and 0->3 for pack 4's. When driving the output, you have a choice of taking any channel within the pack 3 or 4 by number and driving an output channel with said source number. This can be used to flip axes, zero them out by using -1 as a source channel, or rearrange them. For example, making a 3d point move only on the y axis position of another point (-1, 1, -1).


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Source direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<Bool3>> The field which to take values from it's components and drive Target's components with them.
Target field drive of Bool2 The field which to drive the components of.
X Int Takes the n'th component from Source and drives the X component of Target with it.
Y Int Takes the n'th component from Source and drives the Y component of Target with it.



See Also