Component image 
Box Gizmo component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The BoxGizmo component is used to make the handles and visual for editing a box mesh or collider, and also handles the interaction with the handles.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Slot | The slot of the box to edit. |
direct RootSpace | The coordinate space to transform by when making the result of BoxCenter
direct RootSpace | The coordinate space to transform by when making the result of BoxSize
direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<Float3>> | The field to edit for the box size. |
direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<Float3>> | The field to drive for the box center. |
Bool | Whether to lock the offset of the box so it's center stays the same. |
list of FieldDrive`1<Float3> | A list of fields to drive for the vertex positions of the cube gizmo visual. |
list of FieldDrive`1<Float3> | A list of fields to drive for the edge positions of the cube gizmo visual. |
list of FieldDrive`1<Float3> | A list of fields to drive for the face positions of the cube gizmo visual. |
list of FieldDrive`1<Float> | A list of fields to drive for the sphere rotations of the cube gizmo visual. |
OverlayFresnelMaterial | The material being used for the gizmo visual. |
IcoSphereMesh | The mesh being used for the handles of the gizmo like corners or faces. |
Slot | The slot of the visual root. |
field drive of Float3 | The field to drive for the visual position. |
field drive of FloatQ | The field to drive for the visual rotation. |
field drive of Float3 | The field to drive for the visual scale. |
reference drive of TubeBoxMesh | The tube box mesh being used for the gizmo visual. |
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Used to edit box colliders or box meshes. Created by the dev tool when switching gizmo modes when having a box selected.