
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Child Parent Audio Clip Player component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The ChildParentAudioClipPlayer component plays specified audio clips when it's immediate children are added to or removed from.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ParentUnder Slot Where to parent the slots to when playing sounds. (DON'T SET THIS TO THE SLOT THIS COMPONENT IS ON. else it will spam audio every game tick)
MinDistance Nullable`1<Float> The override for all ClipDatas Min Distance when they are played.
MaxDistance Nullable`1<Float> The override for all ClipDatas Max Distance when they are played.
RolloffMode Nullable`1<AudioRolloffMode> The override for all ClipDatas Rolloff Mode when they are played.
PlayPointMode PointMode Where to position audio clips when they are played.
ChildLimit Int If the immediate children count of this component's slot is above this amount, it will not play sounds.
FilterTag String If an added or removed immediate child has a tag that matches this value, a sound will not be played.
ParentedClips list of ClipData A list of audio clips to play when a slot is added to the immediate children of this component's slot.
UnparentedClips list of ClipData A list of audio clips to play when a slot is removed from the immediate children of this component's slot.


Name Value Description
ParentOrigin 0 Play the audio at the global position of this component's slot.
ChildOrigin 1 Play the audio at the global position of the slot being added or removed.
ParentBoundsCenter 2 Play the audio at the global center of the bounding box of this component's slot.
ChildBoundsCenter 3 Play the audio at the global center of the bounding box of the slot being added or removed.



See Also