
From Resonite Wiki
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Data Feed Item Mapper component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The DataFeedItemMapper allows you to define which data feed items map to which UI templates. It does this via the list Mappings, which take classes that extend DataFeedItem and If they match a mapping in the list it Duplicates that item's template and adds it into the list.

For more info on data feeds, see Data Feeds


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Mappings list of ItemMapping A list of item Mappings to map data feed item types to Feed Templates.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
OnSetupTemplate() Delegate<IButton: button, ButtonEventData: data> Set up a basic settup with this component with a bunch of example UIs.


Name Type Description
ItemType direct SyncType The type to map to a template. The type coming from a data feed will extend the abstract class DataFeedItem.
GenericReplacementTypes list of SyncType If ItemType is a type that has generic single letter arguments, the type won't be accepted if it's arguments in order don't match the arguments in this list in order.
Template FeedItemInterface The template to duplicate when matched with this item mapping.


This component is to be put into a Component:SingleFeedView or similar so that the component it is specified inside of can use this component to map incoming feed items from the data feed to UI or object templates.


See Also