
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Feed Ordered Item Interface`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ItemName IField`1<String>
ItemKey IField`1<String>
ItemDescription IField`1<String>
HasDescription IField`1<Bool>
DescriptionCleanup Slot
ItemIcon IField`1<Uri>
HasIcon IField`1<Bool>
IconCleanup Slot
View SyncRef`1<IDataFeedView>
ParentContainer FeedItemInterface
ChildContainer Slot
NestedItems list of NestedItem
EnabledState IField`1<Bool>
Value IField`1<T>
Formatting IField`1<String>
IsFirst IField`1<Bool>
IsLast IField`1<Bool>
MoveUpLabel IField`1<String>
MoveDownLabel IField`1<String>
MakeFirstLabel IField`1<String>
MakeLastLabel IField`1<String>
MoveUp SyncDelegate`1<Action>
MoveDown SyncDelegate`1<Action>
MakeFirst SyncDelegate`1<Action>
MakeLast SyncDelegate`1<Action>
HasMoveUp IField`1<Bool>
HasMoveDown IField`1<Bool>
HasMakeFirst IField`1<Bool>
HasMakeLast IField`1<Bool>



See Also