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Component image 
FixedRectFitterLayout component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The FixedRectFitterLayout component fits the content in a fixed way, while also giving the user control on how it fits within a UIX element.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
HorizontalAlign LayoutHorizontalAlignment Aligns the contents in a horizontal way.
VerticalAlign LayoutVerticalAlignment Aligns the contents in a vertical way.
Mode FitMode How this fitter should conform in this RectTransform
AllowShrink Bool Should this UIX element shrink when this slot's contents shrinks.
AllowGrow Bool Should this UIX element grow when this slot's contents grows.


Used when a user needs the contents to be more exact and static. For something a bit more dynamic, it is usually recommended to use a ContentSizeFitter component instead.


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