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Component image 
Texture Thumbnail Source component as seen in the Scene Inspector


ItemTextureThumbnailSource can be used to customize the inventory preview of an item, setting it to a texture.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Texture Texture2D The texture that should be used as the item's inventory preview. If null, the component will be ignored.
Crop Nullable`1<Rect> The rectangle that defines what section of the image to use. (Or null to use the entire image)


To work, the component needs to be attached to the object's root slot and have an image in its Texture. The Ensure single thumbnail source button can be used to remove all other instances of the component in the item's hierarchy.


This component can be used when the automatically generated preview for an item isn't satisfying enough or you want to ensure that the preview looks the same every time or shows the item off in a certain way.

An example of an item that uses this is default Tools in the Resonite Essentials > Tools folder.

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