
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Legacy Audio Player component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
AudioClip AudioClip
_clipPlayer AudioClipPlayer
_audioOutput AudioOutput
_waveformMaterial UnlitMaterial
_playbackMaterial UnlitMaterial
_waveformRingMesh RingMesh
_playbackRingMesh RingMesh
_playbackRingArc field drive of Float
_volumeRingArc field drive of Float
_playbackTimeText field drive of String
_clipLengthTimeText field drive of String
_iconTextureURL field drive of Uri
_stopItem Item
_loopItem Item
_spatialItem Item
_loopIconURL field drive of Uri
_spatialIconURL field drive of Uri
_exportable AudioExportable
_assetProxy AssetProxy`1<AudioClip>



See Also