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Component image 
Mesh Asset Metadata component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The MeshAssetMetadata component gives info about the data on a mesh component.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Mesh Mesh The mesh to get meta data on.
VertexCount raw output of Int The amount of vertices in Mesh.
TriangleCount raw output of Int The amount of triangles in Mesh.
PointCount raw output of Int the amount of vertices with no connected faces in Mesh.
SubmeshCount raw output of Int How many sub meshes are in the main Mesh.
BoneCount raw output of Int The amount of bones in Mesh.
BlendshapeCount raw output of Int The amount of blendshapes in Mesh.
HasNormals raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has normal data.
HasTangents raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has tangent data.
HasVertexColors raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has vertex color data.
HasUV0s raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has data for the first UV map.
HasUV1s raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has data for the second UV map.
HasUV2s raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has data for the third UV map.
HasUV3s raw output of Bool Whether Mesh has data for the fourth UV map.


Attach to a slot and provide a Mesh to Mesh to make the component output data.


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See Also