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MouthTrackingStreamManager component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The MouthTrackingStreamManager component uses streaming data from the ValueStream component (seen in the user Inspector) to control the mouth on a user's avatar.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
User User The referenced user to get the streamed data.
IsTracking ValueStream`1<Bool> Should we track the mouth.
Jaw ValueStream`1<Float3> The streamed data for the Jaw.
JawOpen ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the Jaw opening.
Tongue ValueStream`1<Float3> The streamed data for the tongue.
TongueRoll ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the tongue rolling.
LipUpperLeftRaise ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (upper-left raised).
LipUpperRightRaise ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (upper-right raised).
LipLowerLeftaise ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (lower-left raised).
LipLowerRightRaise ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (lower-right raised).
LipUpperHorizontal ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (upper-horizontal).
LipLowerHorizontal ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the lip (lower-horizontal).
MouthLeftSmileFrown ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the mouth (left frown).
MouthRightSmileFrown ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the mouth (right frown).
MouthLeftDimple ValueStream`1<Float>
MouthRightDimple ValueStream`1<Float>
MouthPoutLeft ValueStream`1<Float>
MouthPoutRight ValueStream`1<Float>
LipTopLeftOverturn ValueStream`1<Float>
LipTopRightOverturn ValueStream`1<Float>
LipBottomLeftOverturn ValueStream`1<Float>
LipBottomRightOverturn ValueStream`1<Float>
LipTopLeftOverUnder ValueStream`1<Float>
LipTopRightOverUnder ValueStream`1<Float>
LipBottomLeftOverUnder ValueStream`1<Float>
LipBottomRightOverUnder ValueStream`1<Float>
LipLeftStretchTighten ValueStream`1<Float>
LipRightStretchTighten ValueStream`1<Float>
LipsLeftPress ValueStream`1<Float>
LipsRightPress ValueStream`1<Float>
CheekLeftPuffSuck ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the cheek (left puff).
CheekRightPuffSuck ValueStream`1<Float> The streamed data for the cheek (right puff).
CheekLeftRaise ValueStream`1<Float>
CheekRightRaise ValueStream`1<Float>
NoseWrinkleLeft ValueStream`1<Float>
NoseWrinkleRight ValueStream`1<Float>
ChinRaiseBottom ValueStream`1<Float>
ChinRaiseTop ValueStream`1<Float>


Used for Mouth Tracking.


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