Component:PBS DistanceLerpSpecular

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Component image 
PBS Distance Lerp Specular component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Works on meshes with dense vertices. Can apply tint based on distance to specified points, and also displaces the vertices in the mesh based on distance to specified points (possibly towards/away from the point).


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
TextureScale Float2 An x/y-coordinate multiplier when translating between UV coordinates and XY coordinates in the textures.
TextureOffset Float2 An x/y-coordinate offset when translating between UV coordinates and XY coordinates in the textures.
AlbedoColor ColorX If an albedo texture is not provided, the constant albedo/diffuse color for the mesh.
AlbedoTexture ITexture2D An optional 2D texture to provide albedo/diffuse data to be UV-mapped onto the mesh.
EmissiveColor ColorX If the emissive map is not provided, the constant emissive color for the mesh.
EmissiveMap ITexture2D An optional 2D texture to provide emission data to be UV-mapped onto the mesh.
NormalMap ITexture2D An optional 2D texture to provide normal data to be UV-mapped onto the mesh.
NormalScale Float A multiplier for normal data.
OcclusionMap ITexture2D An optional 2D texture to provide occlusion data to be UV-mapped onto the mesh.
GridSize Float3
GridOffset Float3
DisplaceFrom Float
DisplaceTo Float
DisplaceMagnitudeFrom Float
DisplaceMagnitudeTo Float
EmissionFrom Float
EmissionTo Float
EmissionColorFrom ColorX
EmissionColorTo ColorX
OverrideDisplacementDirection Nullable`1<Float3>
LocalSpace Bool
Points list of Point A list of (global) positions and tints. The tint is applied to mesh vertices more or less depending on the mesh vertex's distance to the given point: larger distances means less tint.
Culling Culling Whether to show the material on the front, back, or both sides
Transparent Bool
OffsetFactor Float how much this material should be pushed forwards or backwards on the depth buffer factor wise
OffsetUnits Float how much this material should be pushed forwards or backwards on the depth buffer unit wise
RenderQueue Int changes at which point a material renders on the render stack
SpecularColor ColorX
SpecularMap ITexture2D
_regular Shader Internal.
_transparent Shader Internal.


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See Also