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Particle Style component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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A ParticleStyle defines the visual appearance for a ParticleSystem.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
MotionVectorMode MotionVectorMode
MinStartLifetime Float The shortest amount of time a particle will potentially exist
MaxStartLifetime Float the longest amount of time a particle will potentially exist
MinStartSize Float A multiplier for the smallest size a particle can potentially be
MaxStartSize Float A multiplier for the largest size a particle can potentially be
MinStartSpeed Float The slowest a particle will potentially be emitted in meters per second
MaxStartSpeed Float The fastest a particle will potentially be emitted in meters per second
MinStartRotation Float The lowest amount of degrees around its emission axis a particle will potentially be emitted at
MaxStartRotation Float The highest amount of degrees around its emission axis a particle will potentially be emitted at
MinStartAngularVelocity Float The lowest amount of spin a particle will potentially have on emission in degrees per second
MaxStartAngularVelocity Float The highest amount of spin a particle will potentially have on emission in degrees per second
Use3DRotation Bool Whether or not the particles will be affected by the 3D rotation inputs
MinStartRotation3D Float3 The lowest amount of degrees a particle will potentially be rotated by on emission as an Euler angle
MaxStartRotation3D Float3 The highest amount of degrees a particle will potentially be rotated by on emission as an Euler angle
MinStartAngularVelocity3D Float3 The lowest amount of spin a particle will potentially have on emission in degrees per second as an Euler angle
MaxStartAngularVelocity3D Float3 The highest amount of spin a particle will potentially have on emission in degrees per second as an Euler angle
GravityStrength Float How strongly gravity affects the emitted particles as a multiplier (i.e. setting this to 1 applies standard Earth gravity)
MinStartColor ColorX
MaxStartColor ColorX
UseColorOverLifetime Bool
AlphaOverLifetime direct SyncLinear`1<Float>
ColorOverLifetime direct SyncLinear`1<ColorX>
Collisions Bool Whether or not the emitted particles will react to colliders
Bounce Float A multiplier for the velocity lost when the particle collides with something (1 is a perfectly elastic bounce, 0.5 loses half speed on collision, etc)
LifetimeLoss Float A multiplier for how much of its remaining lifetime a particle loses on collision
Material Material The material that will be used by the particles
TrailMaterial Material The material that will be used by the trails of the particles
Mesh Mesh The mesh (if any) that will be used by the particles.
Alignment ParticleAlignment Facing: Particles always face the viewport position. Velocity: Particles face the direction they're moving. View: Particles align to the viewport plane. Local: Particles align with the space of this component. World: Particles align to the z-axis of the world.
LengthScale Float
VelocityScale Float
MinParticleSize Float
MaxParticleSize Float
ParticleTrails ParticleTrailMode PerParticle: Each particle gets a trail. Ribbon: One trail connects each particle in the order they were emitted.
TrailRatio Float A multiplier for how likely a particle is to have a trail. Only affects PerParticle trail mode
RibbonCount Int
TrailMinimumVertexDistance Float
TrailWorldSpace Bool
TrailDiesWithParticle Bool Allows the trail to complete its full lifetime even if the particle it's attached to disappears
ParticleSizeAffectsTrailWidth Bool Whether or not the particle size affects the trail width
ParticleSizeAffectsTrailLifetime Bool Whether or not the particle size affects the trail lifetime
InheritTrailColorFromParticle Bool Whether or not the particle color affects the trail color
TrailTextureMode ParticleTrailTextureMode
MinTrailLifetime Float The lower limit for how long the trail will last behind the particle
MaxTrailLifetime Float The higher limit for how long the trail will last behind the particle
MinTrailColor ColorX
MaxTrailColor ColorX
MinTrailWidth Float The lower limit for the potential trail width
MaxTrailWidth Float The lower limit for the potential trail width
GenerateLightingDataForTrails Bool
Light direct RelayRef`1<Light>
LightsRatio Float
LightRandomDistribution Bool
LightsUseParticleColor Bool
SizeAffectsLightRange Bool
AlphaAffectsLightIntensity Bool
LightRangeMultiplier Float
LightIntensityMultiplier Float
MaximumLights Int
AnimationTiles Int2
AnimationCycles Int
AnimationType ParticleAnimationType
UseRowIndex Int
UseRandomRow Bool


Common Transition Templates:

There are 6 quick transition templates for Fade In and Fade out. Alpha fades between 0 and 1 and Intensity fading between [0,0,0,1,sRGB] (Black) and [1,1,1,1,sRGB] (White)

Transition Generated fade positions
Alpha Fade In & Fade Out 0% - 10%, 90% - 100%
Alpha Fade In 0% - 10%
Alpha Fade Out 90% - 100%
Intensity Fade In & Fade Out 0% - 10%, 90% - 100%
Intensity Fade In 0% - 10%
Intensity Fade Out 90% - 100%

Clear Fades will clear all transitions on both AlphaOverLifetime and ColorOverLifetime, along with setting UseColorOverLifetime to false


See Also