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Component image 
Photo Metadata component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
LocationName String Name of the session the screenshot was taken in.
LocationURL Uri
LocationHost direct UserRef Host of the session the screenshot was taken in.
LocationAccessLevel Nullable`1<SessionAccessLevel> Access level of the session.
LocationHiddenFromListing Nullable`1<Bool> Whether the location was marked as hidden.
TimeTaken DateTime Exact timestamp that the screenshot was taken.
TakenBy direct UserRef User who took the screenshot.
TakenGlobalPosition Float3
TakenGlobalRotation FloatQ
TakenGlobalScale Float3
AppVersion String Resonite version number of the photographer.
UserInfos list of UserInfo
__legacyPresentUsers list of UserRef
CameraManufacturer String Manufacturer of the camera.
CameraModel String Model of the camera.
CameraFOV Float FOV of the camera at picture time.
Is360 Bool Whether the image is a 360 degree image or not.
StereoLayout StereoLayout
_exportedUsers direct SyncBag`1<UserRef>



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