
From Resonite Wiki
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Platform Color Palette component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The PlatformColorPalette component is a quick way of getting the colors of Resonite's Branding. This also provides you with both the color values in ColorX form and Hex form.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Neutrals direct Grayscale A list of neutral color and hexes used for UI backgrounds in resonite.
Hero direct Colors A list of color and hexes used for bright colored buttons and text like yellow for selected inspector slots or used in other cases.
Sub direct Colors A darker color and hexes set used for buttons or UI that are darker due to being selected or used in other cases.
Dark direct Colors A dark color and hexes set used for buttons or UI that is disabled or used in other cases.


Name Type Description
DarkHex raw output of String The dark hex code for this color type group
MidHex raw output of String The mid hex code for this color type group
LightHex raw output of String The light hex code for this color type group.
Dark raw output of ColorX The dark color for this color type group.
Mid raw output of ColorX The mid color for this color type group.
Light raw output of ColorX The light color for this color type group.


Name Type Description
YellowHex raw output of String The yellow hex code for this color group.
GreenHex raw output of String The green hex code for this color group.
RedHex raw output of String The red hex code for this color group.
PurpleHex raw output of String The purple hex code for this color group.
CyanHex raw output of String The cyan hex code for this color group.
OrangeHex raw output of String The orange hex code for this color group.
Yellow raw output of ColorX The yellow color for this color group.
Green raw output of ColorX The green color for this color group.
Red raw output of ColorX The red color for this color group.
Purple raw output of ColorX The purple color for this color group.
Cyan raw output of ColorX The cyan color for this color group.
Orange raw output of ColorX The orange color for this color group.


Attach to a slot and take any value as a source for a drive to drive a UI with Resonite's branding.


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See Also