
From Resonite Wiki
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Proto Flux Node Debug Info component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The ProtoFluxNodeDebugInfo component is used to gather Debug Info on a particular ProtoFlux node and it's group.

This game element is a debug item. Elements like this may be removed at any time without warning, and creations should not rely on it.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Node ProtoFluxNode The ProtoFlux node to get Debug Info on.
IsBuilt raw output of Bool Whether the protoflux node group this is in is built.
IndexInGroup raw output of Int The node's position in its group.
AllocationIndex raw output of Int The allocation index of this node in its group.
GroupName raw output of String The autogenerated name of the node group.
GroupIsValid raw output of Bool Whether the group this node is a part of is valid.
GroupNodeCount raw output of Int The number of nodes in the group this node is a part of.
NodeInstanceHash raw output of Int The hash of this node instance.
GroupRegisteredForContinuousChanges raw output of Bool Whether the group this node is a part of is registered for continuous changes. See ContinuouslyChanging
GroupRegisteredForUpdates raw output of Bool Whether this group is registered for updates.
NodeContinuouslyChanging raw output of Bool Whether the node this component is debugging is continously changing itself. See ContinuouslyChanging.


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See Also