
From Resonite Wiki
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Reflection Probe component as seen in the Scene Inspector

A reflection probe component is used to make points in space that makes reflective surfaces within a box around the point show a different reflection map than the skybox. This is useful for controlling the lighting and look of a scene.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
ProbeType Type What mode this reflection probe uses.
Importance Int How much priority this probe takes over another probe when two probes overlap
Intensity Float how strong or bright the reflection is
BlendDistance Float how far the probe will slowly take over the reflection map of objects as an object goes towards the center of influence
BoxSize Float3 the area that this reflection probe will affect the reflection maps of objects
BoxProjection Bool project the reflection map in a box shape from the reflection probe rather than a sphere.
BakedCubemap Cubemap The cube map to replace the refection maps of reflective objects with in the influence area of this reflection probe
TimeSlicing TimeSlicingMode How updates to this reflection probe should happen in updates if this probe is a realtime probe.
Resolution Int the forced resolution of the reflection map from this reflection probe shown in the reflections of shiny objects.
HDR Bool Whether the color encoding should be in HDR.
ShadowDistance Float how far to render shadows from the reflection probe
ClearFlags Clear Whether to use the skybox or color when backing transparent pixels
BackgroundColor ColorX The color to clear with when ClearFlags is set to "Color"
NearClip Float The closest distance to render from the reflection probe center when using "Realtime" on ProbeType
FarClip Float The furthest distance to render from the reflection probe center when using "Realtime" on ProbeType
ShowDebugVisuals Bool Shows the box influence area and the center point of this reflection probe
_debugVisual direct SlotCleanupRef`1<Slot> The current debug visual that this reflection probe is showing, if applicable.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
Bake() Action Creates a static cubemap and inserts it into BakedCubemap instead of having ProbeType be set to realtime.


An Enum of "Realtime" or "Baked" realtime renders a new cube map outwards from the center of the probe every second while baked will use the provided BakedCubemap


An Enum of "Skybox" or "Color". Color backs the transparent parts of the reflection map with BackgroundColor due to far or near clipping with realtime, or transparent pixels in the provided BakedCubemap. Skybox when selected will instead back transparent parts with the Skybox of the world.


Name Value Description
AllFacesAtOnce 0 spreads update over 9 frames
IndividualFaces 1 spreads update over 14 frames
NoTimeSlicing 2 No time slicing should be applied to capturing. Update happens within one frame.

An Enum


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See Also