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Component image 
SpawnArc component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The SpawnArc component spawns in users along the arc of a circle, with an optional weight to select this spawner.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Weight Float The likelihood of this spawner being chosen for a spawning user.
Capacity Int How many users this spawner can have spawned at a time.
Radius Float The range of how far this spawner can spawn this user.
Arc Float The shape of how the spawner will place the user.
UsersPerArc Int The segment area for the users to spawn at in this arc.
CenterArcOffset Float The offset rotation of the center of the arc circle for this spawner.
GrowBothSides Bool The option to extend both sides for the spawn arc, fanning out from a center point.
RowHeightOffset Float The hieght where the users will spawn along the circle.
OrientUser Bool Positions and rotates the user towards the center.
ParentUser Bool Keeps the user parented onto this specific spawner slot.
TiltUsers Bool Tilts the user when spawning in.
PositionNode UserRoot.UserNode Takes the position of the user's body node for spawning.
RotationNode UserRoot.UserNode Takes the rotation of the user's body node for spawning.
_showTest Bool Internal: Mostly for debugging.
_testSlots Int Internal: Shows the number of test slots on this spawning arc.


Used to help shape how you want users to spawn in a world.


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