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Component image 
Tube Spiral Mesh component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The TubeSpiralMesh component is a procedural Mesh that looks like a corkscrew often seen on the end of a wine bottle opener.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
OverrideBoundingBox Bool Force the bounding box calculated from this component to use OverridenBoundingBox instead of calculating when requested.
OverridenBoundingBox BoundingBox the bounding box this component should say it has when OverrideBoundingBox is enabled. Useful for bounding box calculations with Flux, or changing the selection box for this component when rendered.
Profile ColorProfile The profile that the vertex colors for this mesh should be displayed in.
Steps Int How many length wise subdivisions the tube mesh has.
MaximumDistanceBetweenRings Nullable`1<Float> The distance allowed between each segment before the amount of steps are reduced.
CoilCount Float How many winds around the center the coil should have.
ScaleCoilCountByLength Bool Whether the distance between coils stays consistent as the length grows by adding more coils.
CoilPhase Float How much to offset the coil starting angle.
StartPoint Float3 The center point position of what the Spiral is spiraling around at the beginning.
StartTangent Float3 The bend towards bias position of the Spiral at the beginning. Makes the Spiral sheer or warp towards this point at the beginning.
EndPoint Float3 The center point position of what the Spiral is spiraling around at the end.
EndTangent Float3 The bend towards bias position of the Spiral at the end. Makes the Spiral sheer or warp towards this point at the end. lerps from beginning.
StartSpiralRadius Float The distance from the center to the Spiral tube center at the beginning.
EndSpiralRadius Float The distance from the center to the Spiral tube center at the end.
StartSpiralOrientation FloatQ The rotation of each segment ring at the start.
EndSpiralOrientation FloatQ The rotation of each segment ring at the end. Lerps from start.
Ends Ends How the ends should be sealed if at all on the corkscrew.
Shading Shading The Shading of the screw geometry.
StartTubeRadius Float The radius of each segment at the start.
EndTubeRadius Float The radius of each segment at the end. Lerps from start.
TubePoints Int How many sides the tube has circumference wise on each segment.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
BakeMesh() Action Bake meshes is a sync method that creates a static mesh component with this component, replaces all references to this component with the static mesh component, then deletes this component.


Attach to a slot and put into a Component:MeshRenderer with a material to see what it looks like.


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See Also