Cosy Train

From Resonite Wiki
This world is made by the community.
Cosy Train
The view of the train's cockpit from the outside. The scenery have simple buildings in blue hue
The view of the train's cockpit from the outside. The scenery have simple buildings in blue hue
Created By
Team Hamo
Published On
cosy, sleep, train, MMC24

Cosy Train is a world by Team Hamo for MMC 2024

The world can be accessed with:resrec:///U-HamoCorp/R-fef1033f-f84f-4e9d-b579-7821c92d7e36


The world features a single train moving in a linear track. The design of the train seems to be made of wood as its main structural design, giving it a more nature feel and look. The outside environment of the train will change overtime as time passes. Example being; green hills with a possibility of a meteor shower for the player to witness, a cityscape with several building filling the lands between the train track and a rare occurrence for a sea-like view.

World Content

The interior of the train contains many elements that provide comfort to the player such as; the cockpit where several pillows are laid to provide a sense of warmth for the player. Within the middle section of the train, the player will find a video player and several furnitures filling the section. Within the back section of the train, the player will find a recreation of a PC setup and a double bed.

Within the player's context menu or on the left side of the train cockpit's room, the player will find the setting for the world. With the settings, the player can change;

  • Language. Limited to English, Japanese and Korean
  • Lights & Fogs
  • Volume of the train noises

Performance Settings

Should the player encounter some performance issues, they may adjust the setting in the "Performance" section of the setting. The player can change;

  • The number of particles inside and outside the train
  • Toggling certain meshes such as: Fur, Train, the outside environment and colliders
  • The mirror's resolution, opacity and whether shadow is enabled or not