Egg of Randomness

From Resonite Wiki

The Egg of Randomness was created by Joshtiger for Easter 2024.

The original plan was for it to have 100 Random effects, but Easter arrived sooner then expected.

There are 61 Random Effects that can trigger along with 3 Overlay Effects as of 7/29/2024.

The Egg of Randomness also has a total of 5854 ProtoFlux Nodes. Oh boy! OuO;

Addon support was added to the Egg of Randomness on 7/29/2024.

Allowing Users to make their own silly +Addons to apply to the Egg.

A ◎ Context Menu was added to the Egg of Randomness on 6/24/2024.

Currently there are 4 options available at all times with a 5th option showing if an +Addon is applied to the Egg.

Toggle the Debug Window.

Shows a menu that allows triggering of just about every effect, toggling of DEBUG MODE and some other triggering of values that the egg uses.
Also allows of testing with custom +Addons that may be installed on the Egg.

Toggle Light Sensitive mode.

Removes as much flashy/distorting effects as possible for those who are sensitive to those things.
Note: This value isn't Local and everyone will see it in effect. (Didn't know how to make it Local)

Toggle Overlay Effects.

Enable or Disable if an Overlay effect can become active. If disabled, the egg will trigger the Random Color 
effect if the overlay effect is randomly chosen. The same also happens if the same overlay effect triggers while already being active.

Can Effect Users

Enable or Disable the ability for effects to interact with the User.

+Addons (Shows if an +Addon is Installed)

1. Remove All Addons: Unparents all +Addons and places it all above the Egg.
2. Delete All Addons: Deletes all +Addons on the Egg.
Addons may add more options that can appear in this Context Menu.
When [DEBUG MODE] is Active: +Addons show their Version number.

The text of the button in the ◎ Context Menu is randomly displayed from the 131 lines of text.

Sometimes the icon will appear differently depending on what text is selected.


1. Random Color

Changes the color of the egg to a random color.

2. Fire!

Blows randomly colored fire from the top of the egg.

3. Text

Displays one of the many random texts above the egg.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Only displays a text saying "Ooo I'm so shinyyy!"

4. Random Sound

Plays one of the 13 randomly pitched sounds in a random location around the egg.

5. Movement

Moves the egg in a random direction.
When the egg moves up or down, a different variant of the sound will play.

6. Pixelate

Pixelates the area around the egg.

7. Doot Doot

Displays the skeleton playing the trumpet meme.

8. Kapoof

Makes the egg vanish anywhere from 0.01 to 8 seconds, where it will then reappear in the same place.

9. Sonic Rings

The egg mimics the same effect that Sonic the hedgehog displays after taking damage.
I timed the flashing animation from watching a video of Sonic the hedgehog 2. (Joshtiger)
When Metallic Overlay is active: The rings appear silver and the sound is played at a higher pitch.


Makes Cookies go everywhere!
Plays 3 of the 15 audio clips of Joshtiger saying Cookie that was recorded on ‎Wednesday, ‎December ‎7, ‎2016 for a Minecraft Resource pack that was applied onto a server.

11. Zappy

Zaps lightning at the nearest user.
The lightning color can appear as Red, Yellow, Green Cyan, Pink, and White.

12. Take A Guess

A little game appears above the egg where you got to guess a number Higher or Lower then 50.
Guessing it correctly has a 0.25% chance to trigger the YAY! effect on the egg.
Guessing it incorrectly has a 0.15% chance to play a "You lose!" sound instead of the normal losing sound.
And if the random number turns out to be 50, then it will play a unique sound. (1 in 100 chance)
When Metallic Overlay is active: The background becomes a light grey.
When [DEBUG MODE] is active: The window won't ever close, allowing you to play over and over again.

13. YAY!

The top half of the egg pops, causing lots of pretty confetti particles to blow out of it.
Thanks: Aegis Wolf for giving me the yay effect.

When Metallic Overlay is active: The Confetti appears Metallic looking.

14. Blurry

Causes a distortion blurry affect around the egg.

Note: Seems to act strangely with some Skyboxes.


Makes only the egg go pixelated for a short time and play a Windows XP error sound.
There's a 25%(75% on Friday) chance to show something Error related.
Thanks: ModernBalloonie for giving me the "Welcome to issues!" Image.

16. Snowman

A snowman appears and slowly turns to look at the Local user before saying "Would you like to build a snowman corporation?"
Then the snowman turns back around and vanishes.
Has a 35% chance to have Eyebrows that can be in one of the 3 shapes. (Happy, Normal, Angry)
Has a 50% chance to be wearing a randomly colored hat that can be in 1 of the 4 shapes. (Normal, Flat, Pointy, Baker)
The eyes has 4 shapes it can choose from. (Normal, Smaller eyes, Squinting eyes, Big eyes)
The mouth has 3 shapes it can choose from. (Happy, Normal, Sad)
The nose has 4 shapes it can choose from. (Normal, Big, Wide, Tall)
The nose also has a 0.8% chance to appear Cyan(Pink on Sundays) instead of Red.
The audio is from this YouTube Video:
When Metallic Overlay is active: The Snowman appears metallic looking.

17. Cats!

Particles in the form of cat pictures taken from google, burst out of the egg
with 2 Meow sound effects that play together at random pitches.

18. EGGS!

Egg particles shoot out from the egg while playing a recording of Joshtiger saying egg at a higher pitch.

19. Area Of Color Effect

Can trigger one of the 3 color effects that change the area.

Note: Seems to act strangely with some skyboxes.

These 3 color effects used to be their own triggers, but were later merged into one as they were so similar.

20. Sad Toon

Plays the Toontown sad toon sound effect and shrinks into nothing.

21. So Slow!

The egg becomes an animated pixelated material that changes while playing a internet dial-up connecting sound.

22. Surprise Face!

Displays one of the 192 faces when triggered.
Thanks: zangooseoo, GlitchFlux and Aegis_Wolf for giving more silly pictures.
When Metallic Overlay is active: The faces appear as a dark grayscale.

23. Goku

Makes a picture of Goku appear for a short moment.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Looks slightly more shiny. (Not very noticeable)

24. Smoke bomb

Makes the egg emit a random colored smoke.
Suggested by: HarmonicaFennecCat

25. Frozen Egg

Ice appears around the Egg and snowy particles fall around it.

26. Flowers!

Emits a glowing drawing of a flower in the form of particles from the egg.

27. Party time!

A spinning party light along with some spot lights appear above the egg while playing music.
The music is called Party1 and is from a Command Prompt game called The Aparters, by Joshtiger.

28. Coin

A coin appears above the egg and plays the Mario coin collecting sound effect, before vanishing.
Suggested by: HarmonicaFennecCat

29. Elevator Music

The egg takes a break and plays soothing music anywhere from 0.25 to 10 seconds.

30. Boowomp

Squishes the egg with a funny noise.

31. Kaboom!

The egg explodes and cuts off any audio that may be playing at the time.

32. Smoke Detector Beep

A smoke detector appears on top of the egg, before going Beep!
When Metallic Overlay is active: The Smoke Detector appears more metallic looking.

33. Beep

The egg flashes red, making a single beep sound that sounds like a scanner at a store.

34. Nice Hat

Selects a random nearby user and places a randomly colored Noir Fedora hat on their head. (Or at least tries to)
Note: Doesn't effect Users if the setting "Can Effect Users" is set to False.
Thanks: Beagle for giving the hat.
When Metallic Overlay is active: The hat appears metallic, allowing users to get metallic versions of the hat from the egg.

35. Fly Away!

The egg fades to a bright white before flying off into the air with music.
The ProtoFlux that causes this to happen was taken off of an object created by ModernBalloonie.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Instead of the audio being turned down, it is attached to the effect to fly away with it.
When Glitchy Overlay is active: Picks a random direction instead of always up.
The direction it picks is Local, probably making everyone around the egg look in different directions.

36. Stick Bugged

Makes a green dancing stick bug appear in one of the 5 random set locations on the egg.
Suggested by: Ryuvi
When Metallic Overlay is active: Appears metallic looking.

37. Doug Dimmadome

Causes a white hat to appear on top of the egg that bounces with the music.
The hat is a modified version of the hat given by ExoTheWicker.
Thanks: ExoTheWicker for giving the hat.

38. Upset Kitty

Makes the egg growl for a short time.

39. Bubbles!

Causes the egg to suddenly turn into a bunch of bubbles!
Thanks: Frooxius for giving the bubble effect.

40. Twisty

The egg will flip upside down, making a funny sound before flipping back upright.

41. E

The letter E appears above the egg for a short time with a fading effect.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Appears White.

42. Love

The egg emits pink glowing heart effects.

43. Sonar

A pulse effect comes from the egg, revealing lines, selections and dots in the form of particle effects all around it.

44. Spiky

Makes a spike poke out of a random side of the egg.

45. Yip Yap

The egg makes the Yip Yap sounds that were recorded by Rippa.
Thanks: Rippa for giving the sounds.

46. Trigger An Overlay Effect

If setting enabled: Triggers one of the 3 overlay effects.
If setting disabled: Triggers the Random Color Effect.

47. Random Emotion

Displays one of the 5 random emotions with each one having their own sound. (Happy, Sad, Angry, :3 and OwO)
There's a 25% chance for the OwO face to wink.
Suggested by: HexHusky

48. Star Powered!

Causes the egg to have a colorful effect with starts emitting from it as it's movements are increased more and more the longer the effect is active for.
If the egg comes in contact with a user, then the user will be thrown up into the air.
Note: Doesn't effect Users if the setting "Can Effect Users" is set to False.
Suggested by: NemoDere
When Glitchy Overlay is active: Target location is set randomly.

49. Ahoooga

Plays a funny car horn sound and pops out eyes towards the Local user.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Appears metallic looking.

50. Snowy

Causes the egg to emit some snowy particles in a short burst.

51. Merp

Displays a Sergal image that has a 50% chance to Merp.
And a 10% chance to show an alternate version.
This will also trigger any other Sergal that may be in the world at the time.

52. TheSun

A laser appears from the sky and moves towards the local user.
When Metallic Overlay is active: The laser beam appears white.

53. Random Weather

Displays weather in the form of Emojis with a 25% to apply a Rainbow or Fog Emoji.

54. Yippeeeeeeeee!

Displays a Hording bug from Lethal Company above the Egg going Yippeeeeeeeee!
When Metallic Overlay is active: Appears Metallic.

55. Glögi

Appears spinning around from the bottom of the Egg.
Turning the Egg upside down while this effect is active will enable Glögi Mode.
Thanks: TwinkieShip for suggesting to add Glögi to the Egg.
When Glitchy Overlay is active: Rotates around much more.

56. Who's that Pokémon?

Displays one of the 648 Pokémon on the Egg in a blacked out shape.
The user can then click on the blacked out shape to reveal the Pokémon Image and Name.
There's a 10% chance for the Pokémon to appear Shiny.
When Metallic Overlay is active: Pokémon appear Metallic. (Golden when Shiny)
When Glitchy Overlay is active: Displays a random Pokémon Name instead of the correct one.
Though there's a possibility for the randomly picked Name to be the correct Name. (1 in 648)
When [DEBUG MODE] is Active: Mutes the activation sound.

57. Pocket sand

Throws sand at the nearest user's face.

58. Angry Haggord

Appears out from the top of the egg saying "Get out of my house"

59. Rocks

Displays a picture of rocks above the Egg.

60. Frooxius Sneeze

Plays an audio clip recorded by Frooxius(I think it's a sneeze. x3), making the egg do silly wiggling motions.
Thanks: ModernBalloonie for suggesting to add the silly audio clip to the egg as it's own effect.
Thanks: Frooxius for recording such a silly Audio clip.

61. Trigger Custom +Addon

This effect is used to trigger an +Addon that has it's own custom random effects installed on the Egg.
If no Custom +Addon is installed then the RandomColor effect will be triggered.

[Overlay Effects] Effects that can overlay over the normal effects and effect them in strange ways.

1. Metallic

An effect that lasts for 22.8 seconds that turns some of the existing effects into a Metallic version of the effect.

2. Explosive

An effect that lasts for 1 min. Has a 8% chance to trigger the Kaboom! effect after the end of an effect. (Including the activation of the overlay effect)
Once triggered, the overlay effect will expire.

3. Glitchy

An effect that lasts for 1 min. Attempts to make everything glitchy, mostly effecting the Pitch of most of the effects.