Finger Posing System

The Finger Posing System is used to lerp and change between different Finger poses in real time.

The Finger Posing System is used to lerp and change between different Finger poses in real time.

The system first starts with one or more sets of IFingerPoseSourceComponent implementing components. These components act as a source of data for Finger poses. Sometimes, these components can take data from other Finger pose sources and blend between them, making a chain or hiearchy of pose sources that blend or lerp different Finger pose source data.

IFingerPoseSourceComponent can contain both the data for a left and right hand at the same time

After 1 or more components have been assembled into a master IFingerPoseSourceComponent, the component can be plugged into 1 or more HandPosers to show the finger data generated by the hiearchy of IFingerPoseSourceComponents.

Hand posers by default have their finger pose source assigned to by a AvatarHandDataAssigner on the avatar's hand with the default FingerPoseStreamManager upon equipping. To mitigate this issue, the hand data assigner can be pointed to one of the valid fields in the hiearchy of pose sources used to make the master one. This way, the default hand stream (which can be Index Controller poses) can be blended with or switched to as part of the hiearchy of IFingerPoseSourceComponents used to make the master one controlling the hand poser.