Gecko Gardens

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This world is made by the community.
Gecko Gardens
the entirety of the world. There are several furnitures
the entirety of the world. There are several furnitures
Created By
Published On
garden, furnitures, misc, MMC24

Gecko Gardens is a world by meangecko for MMC 2024

the world can be accessed with:resrec:///U-Meangecko/R-ca1d99a1-e90a-4381-a548-38437cbfd9bc


The world features a small area enclosed with walls containing several furnitures arranged in a tactile manner. The world resembles an outdoor furniture retailer. There is not much outside the walls other than a flat grass space.

World Content

The player can follow a path that emcompasses and showcases all the area of the furniture retailer. The player may also find the public folder of the world. Enabling them to use the assets for their own projects.