HardLight Avatar Library

From Resonite Wiki
This world is made by the community.
HardLight Avatar Library
A platform that has 6 smaller rooms connected together. Each containing an array of avatars.
A platform that has 6 smaller rooms connected together. Each containing an array of avatars.
Created By
Published On
avatar, library,human, anime, kemono

The HardLight Avatar Hub is a world by HardLight.

The world can be accessed with:resrec:///G-HardLight/R-713dd3c7-9598-494b-be37-1c3ca9d9ba26


The world features a large Dawn Sky platform floating in the sky. The skybox is the same to the one used within the Cloud Home world where every new player starts on. The platform itself is created using the Dawn Sky Modular assets. The platform has 6 smaller platforms connected together that contain avatars.

World Content

There is around 40 avatars in this world the player can choose from. The platform itself does not have any other functionality (Flux coded mechanic the player needs to be aware of}. There are also a "booper" installer for the player to use If they wish to install a "booper" on their current avatar. The most notable object within the world would be the Avatar Spawn pedestal located near the entrance and at the end of the platform. This allows the player to cloud spawn in an avatar that has been saved by the creator of the pedestal. Through some development tool configurations, the player may set the pedestal to be "grabbable" and save it for personal use.