Inverse Planet

From Resonite Wiki
This world is made by the community.
Inverse Planet
Created By
Published On
inverse, planet, mmc25, world, social

Inverse Planet is a social world made by Team Inverse, their first project for MMC 2025. This project was the origin on how the team came together and formed.

The world can be accessed with: resrec:///G-1b5Z6azjNiK/R-c77642cf-c4d8-450d-94cd-745277250da5

The world can also be seen

Team Inverse credits for this world:

User Role / Title
AmasterAmaster Team Lead, Manager
Charon The Demon Supervisor, Audio Lead, Lore Master
GoldyRaccoony Design Lead, Visionary
Eclypse Art Lead
nearbyfaraaway Programming Lead
TitoFerro Level designer
ArcadiaTheWolf Texture artist
WhiteRaine Prefab artist
iceynickmouse 3D Modeler
ARandomMeatball Programmer
HNO_Tails Programmer
NaveElah Programmer & Mathematician
Sonako Programmer & Tooling
Txmbomber Programmer
TheBasementNerd Programmer & Quality Control
Stutters Audio engineer
Stickee Audio engineer
Defhammer IT Support / Headless Support
Harmonica Localization


The main feature of this world is the inverted nature it has along with its gravity, allowing you to walk around the inner shell of the planet and go to different landmarks. This world also has an artificial sun controlling the day and night cycle of the planet. There is only one way in and out of the planet, and that is the hole found at the center of the city. There are currently 9 points of interest in this world that can be explored: Shuttle, City, Ocean, Desert, Ruined City, Forest, Mountain, Core, & Train.

Teleporters are setup for ease of travel to the different points along the world, as well as a quick teleport in the context menu. There are also train stations placed at key locations to get from one place to another, and doubling as a social gathering spot.

There is currently 4 supported languages in the world:

  • English
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish

There is other features such as a Reorientate button for those that suffer from too much rotation when traveling around the planet.


The Inverse Planet Shuttle
The Inverse Planet Shuttle (Seen from the inside)

The shuttle is the starting point of the world, and where users spawn in. At this point, the user will be greeted with a few things, a player radar represented as a 3D hologram in the center of the shuttle, a disclaimer panel letting users know that the world will have gravity and to be aware of VR sickness, a few settings that users can control and adjust, and a credits & license board showing what was used for the MMC.

After the user goes past the disclaimer panel, they are taken to another shuttle that has already landed at the city. This place (both the shuttle and spawn point) are valid social spots if users want to chill and wait for other users to spawn in.


The Inverse Planet City
The Inverse Planet City

The city is a mile-wide metropolis, layered based on civilian class. The higher level is the more expensive and posh-looking futuristic buildings, while the mid-layer is the busiest town life, and the bottom layer is the slums, complete with elevators and train systems to get from one layer to another.


The Inverse Planet Ocean
The Inverse Planet Ocean

The ocean is a vast open curved water area, with an icecap in the center of it. This also connects to beaches and other sandy and forest areas. The water is swimable and has a special type of lighting that can't be seen by normal planet geometry. When looking at the center point above the ocean, the artificial sun creates a ring-like effect to the water, making it unique to this planet's shape.


The Inverse Planet Desert
The Inverse Planet Desert

The desert has grown since its first appearance, now spreading to the ruined city and ocean areas, forming a beach along the coastline. There are many desert rocks and a train station here.

Ruined City

The Inverse Planet Ruined City
The Inverse Planet Ruined City

This place is decrepit and rundown, now only a ghost of it's former self. There are safe zones scattered throughout the city, allowing the user to hide from any threats they find out in the open. The Ruined City was originally planned to have a laser tag event, but was scrapped due to lack of time.


The Inverse Planet Forest
The Inverse Planet Forest

The lush green forest is home to those that wish for a calmer type of socializing, featuring a cabin that can fit 2-5 users, providing a cozy hangout time with nature.


The Inverse Planet Mountain
The Inverse Planet Mountain (Featuring the caves inside)

The tall mountain protruding from the inverse planet shell looks like an intimidating climb, but contained within is a cave system filled with glowing gems and crystals, perfect for spelunking and relaxing under the crystal-light.


The Inverse Planet Core
The Inverse Planet Core

The core is within the artificial sun, powering and warming the entire planet. But be careful, as entering the core is not for the faint of heart and within it's walls reveals the power of a blackhole, spinning and generating power, illuminated with a red glow outwards onto the wires and catwalks of it's interior. This is an unstable power source that was setup only for this planet to keep the lights on and the daylight going. From time to time, the core will dim and become night for a period of time as it cools down, then once again ramping up to be as bright as the sun once more.


The Inverse Planet Train
The Inverse Planet Train (Seen from the inside)

From each point on the planet is a train station, which can take you from place to place. It is a large enough space to have a seat at a table or train end-seats. Enjoy the scenic view and socialize with others as you travel around the world.


The Inverse Planet world has a soundtrack LP album, and the OST can be heard here on Youtube. The music composers and audio engineers that helped create these songs are Charon The Demon, Stutters, and Stickee.

The music can be listened to and downloaded at Bandcamp
