
From Resonite Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page May 2024 survey and the translation is 62% complete.

2024年5月に実施されたアンケートとは、Resonite Teamが2024年頭に実施された、次回の大型アップデートの内容を決める際の参考にするためのアンケートです。


満を持して 設定UIアップデートが実装された後当初の次なる目標は、IKの全面的な刷新でした。[1], しかし、検討の末、新たな選択肢を含めて、次に取り組むべきことをユーザーコミュニティに選んでもらうことに決定しました。



  • IKシステムの全面的な刷新
  • 大規模なパフォーマンス改善



アンケートの結果は2024年6月7日のResonite Recap Streamにて公表されました。[2]






円グラフはダークテーマの方が見やすくなっています。 詳しくは こちらのissueをご覧ください。


38%32%24%7%たまにResoniteをプレイする [973]ほとんど毎日 [821]毎日ではないが、それなりの頻度 [610]Resoniteをプレイしているわけではないが、開発の動向が気になる [175]


62%36%1%フレンドなど他の人と遊ぶため [1597]何かを作ったりするため [932]ビジネス・教育目的 [34]


72%12%11%6%パフォーマンス(重さ) [1854]IK [299]その他 [274]どちらでもない [152]


67%14%11%8%パフォーマンスの改善 [1688]両方 [363]IKの改善 [270]どちらも改善しない [208]


59%27%9%5%内容に関係なく支援する [1474]パフォーマンスの改善 [669]どちらであっても支援しない [230]IKの改善 [135]

Answers by groups

We asked how often people play Resonite and what do they use it most for to determine if preferences between IK and Performance differ significantly between these groups. However the results were very uniform across categories, showing only minor deviations. For completeness, this section includes the aggregate data.

Preferences by play frequency

  • I play regularly: 86 % performance vs 14 % IK
  • I play semi-frequently: 80 % performance vs 20 % IK
  • I check Resonite occasionally: 83% performance vs 17% IK
  • I don't play, I'm only watching development from afar: 81 % performance vs 19 % IK

Preferences by type of use

  • To socialize and have fun with friends: 83 % performance vs 17 % IK
  • To build and create: 90 % performance vs 10 % IK


  • Does this mean work on IK is cancelled?
    • No. It just means we're not doing it right now, but we'll pick it up later.
  • Will all the work be performance only?
    • No. Performance will be our major focus - the biggest task we're currently working on, but we'll still make smaller updates, improvements and additions along the way.
  • How will the performance improvements be measured?
    • Our primary goal is to increase the overall framerate and reduce stutters and lag spikes as much as possible. Our broad goal is to make Resonite feel better and smoother to use, rather than focus on any specific metric - that said we'll be using a range of tools to profile and benchmark as we work.
  • How will performance be optimized?
    • We'll determine that based on the research and benchmarking. Currently based on past tests we are most strongly leaning towards switch to process based architecture and use of modern .NET runtime, which has much higher quality codegen, high performance features and much better garbage collector, but this is subject to change.
  • Will there be test builds?
    • For major changes yes, we'll announce and run public testing.
  • Why not just do both at same time?
    • Splitting our focus between two major tasks makes both of them take longer as a result. We get things done faster if we focus on one first, then the other.
  • Where can I ask more questions?



  1. Discord上でのFrooxius氏によるアナウンス(Discord アカウントが必要です): https://discord.com/channels/1040316820650991766/1154907833209475092/1242560769951006852
  2. 2024年6月7日のRecap Stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2166244305?t=00h28m09s
  3. June 15th 2024, announcement by Frooxius on Discord. (requires account).