Module:CRC 32 ISO HDLC

From Resonite Wiki

The CRC32 ISO HDLC algorithm is used by FrooxEngine to derive the color of an unknown C# type in ProtoFlux. This is done by computing the CRC of the type's name (without generic parameters, if any).

Invokable Functions
Function Purpose Example
crc32_hex Computes the hexadecimal CRC32 checksum of the given string {{#invoke:CRC_32_ISO_HDLC|crc32_hex|IAsset}}

The following functions are exported, but not invokable by Media Wiki.

Other Functions
Function Purpose Example
crc32 Computes the CRC32 checksum of the given string crc32("IAsset")

Example: crc32("IAsset") = 9CD97842 (check: 9CD97842)

-- CRC_32_ISO_HDLC implementation using a lookup table

local p = {}

local lookup = mw.loadData("Module:CRC_32_ISO_HDLC_LOOKUP")
local bit32 = require("bit32")

function crc32_update(state, bval)
  return bit32.bxor(lookup[, bval), 0xff)], bit32.rshift(state, 8))

function p.crc32(str)
  local state = 0xffffffff
  for i=1,#str do
    state = crc32_update(state, string.byte(str, i))
  return bit32.bxor(state, 0xffffffff)

function p.crc32_hex(frame)
  local sum = p.crc32(frame.args[1])
  return string.format("%X", sum)

return p