Documentation for this module may be created at Module:PJB/TestComponentFields/doc
-- test in console:
-- =p.main(mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{title="Template:Table ComponentFields",args={"FixTransformsEnabled", "Bool", "Clamps IK transforms to reasonable values and Resets IK every update."}}:newChild{title="Module:Test",args={}})
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)
local body = ""
local templateFrame = frame:getParent()
local i = 0
while true do
local argI = i * 3 + 1
local name = templateFrame.args[argI]
local type = templateFrame.args[argI + 1]
local description = templateFrame.args[argI + 2]
local typeString = templateFrame.args["TypeString"..i] or type
if name == nil then
body = body.."|-\n"
body = body.."|<code>""</code>\n"
body = body.."|'''[[Type:"..type.."|"..typeString.."]]'''\n"
body = body.."|"..description.."\n"
i = i + 1
return body
return p