Module talk:ProtoFlux

Discussion page of Module:ProtoFlux

RFC: Protection of Modules (Resolved: No action needed)

Having module code be immediately editable by any registered (+automoderated) user of the wiki could present security concerns, if not properly audited. Should additional protections be implemented here? - LeoCatto (talk) 05:25, 25 January 2024 (UTC)

According to this, it is pretty safe: . However, if you can list some of the attack vectors you're worried about we can do some additional research. ProbablePrime (talk) 05:34, 25 January 2024 (UTC)
Read through that, seems to cover most of my concerns. I suppose the main consideration would still be ensuring that templates and modules like this; which are used widely across many pages, don't get vandalized. But then again, standard protocol applies, so... guess this is primarily a non-issue. Marking resolved. - LeoCatto (talk) 06:21, 25 January 2024 (UTC) (edited)