공유 폴더는 다른 사람들과 공유된 폴더로, 다른 사람들이 이 폴더에 저장된 내용을 저장 용량에 포함시키지 않고 저장하고 엑세스할 수 있습니다. 공용 폴더에 있는 모든 항목은 폴더를 가진 사람이라면 누구나 생성하여 사용할 수 있지만, 소유자만 새 항목을 저장할 수 있으며, 여러 사람이 항목을 저장할 수 있는 폴더의 경우 그룹을 사용할 수 있습니다.

A public folder link is a physical object. As with any other item, you can save it to your inventory by holding it in one hand and clicking the save button in your context menu.
You can share any folder you have by selecting it in your inventory and clicking the Share button.
The space taken up by the contents of a public folder is only counted against the folder's owner. Only the owner of the folder can modify the folder's contents. This lets people get the latest versions of your objects, rather than having to find and save new copies every time they change.
Public Folder Access
When a public folder is created it is not immediately available for all Resonite users. It cannot be found on any public listings or systems unless it is shared with those systems.
The only way for other users to gain access to your folder is if:
- You give them the folder, like a regular inventory item within a session.
- Someone else who already has the folder gives it to them.
- You give them the text based link to the folder.
- They find the folder within another folder that they already have or within a system that shares folders such as the directory.
There are a number of ways you can get new public folders, both in and out of game.
This Wiki!
There is a community-maintained list of public folders on this wiki that you can get many public folder links from.
Users are usually happy to share their public folders. Just ask them for a copy if you're interested in the stuff they've created.
Mega Public Folders
There are a few notable public folders that decided to go with the approach of collecting EVERYTHING. The caveat is while they do have a lot of folders, they can also make it difficult to find what you're looking for!
The Starter Pack
The Starter Pack is a "mega folder" full of stuff for new users. It includes some useful tools and information, as well as a variety of objects to play with. You can get it by importing this folder URL, as the next section goes over: resrec:///U-dawky/R-dd8a0493-2fc2-4199-b689-5e5a2109e192
Meta Meme Folders
Sometimes users like to show new users funny things they found, and one of those things is called Meta Memes.
There are folders dedicated to these memes, listed on the Meta Meme page.
Importing a Folder Link/URL
You can copy a link to a folder from the context menu whilst holding it to share with people out of the game. Once you have a folder URL, you can paste that link into the game either via the "Paste from clipboard" button in your dash home menu or by pressing ctrl-v. A physical public folder link as shown in the above picture will spawn in front of you.