
From Resonite Wiki
This world is made by the community.
A whole of all the creation and builds made by using the Resoland blocks
A whole of all the creation and builds made by using the Resoland blocks
Created By
Team ResoLand
Published On
lego, tau, resoland, MMC24

ResoLand is a world by Team Resoland for MMC 2024

The world can be accessed by:resrec:///U-SHaruya/R-99723935-d4ac-411c-9203-a65ca733e5b4


The world features a small playroom with a childlike atmosphere and pallette used for its interior design.

The world also have several creations made with ResoLand Blocks. The ResoLand Blocks are recreation of Lego bricks. This allows for the player to create anything they can imagine similarly to building with Lego.

World Content

The world provides a guide and tools into order to help players create their Resoblock creations.

  • ResoBlock Set:resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-6d676df5-0d52-41e2-98a9-fa32c3807fac
  • ResoBlockTool:resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-763a7d72-491a-417b-ba8e-6066d0d6746b
  • ResoBlockTool (Desktop):resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-a9f44a0c-3538-4ec3-9371-4d3f6579ef5c

Important Note: The ResoBlock Set does not work outside of ResoLand's world. Therefore, it is recommended to go to the world should you wish to create any kind of ResoBlock creations.

Alternatively, the player can use the LiteBlock Set from which allows the player to make their own Lego creations outside of ResoLand's world.

LiteBlock Instancer (V1.2):resrec:///U-JackTheFoxOtter/R-bd643364-f10b-474c-a911-0f78fce7bbe0

LiteBlock Manager (V2.0):resrec:///U-JackTheFoxOtter/R-87ac3d6c-945c-44d8-bffd-dcdeb2e3aca7

Guide to Creating a ResoBlock Creation

1. About Selecting Blocks

How to Select Blocks

  • In Selection Mode (When the sphere is white), you can select a block by touching it with the spherical part while pressing the trigger. Selected blocks are displayed in yellow.

How to Deselect Blocks

  • In Deselection Mode (When the sphere is red), you can deselect a block by touching it with the spherical part while pressing the trigger.

How to Switch Modes

  • You can switch Selection Mode and Deselection Mode by pressing the secondary button. You can also switch modes through the context menu "ResoBlockTool > Toggle Selection/Deselection Mode".

How to Deselect All Selected Blocks

  • If you want to deselect all selected blocks at once, you can do it through the context menu "ResoBlockTool > Deselect All".

2. About Grouping Blocks

How to Group

  • Select the blocks you want to group and choose "ResoBlockTool > Group/Ungroup > Group" from the context menu.

How to Ungroup

  • Select the block group you want to ungroup and choose "ResoBlockTool > Group/Ungroup > Ungroup" from the context menu.

3. About Baking A ResoBlock Creation

Baking allows you to remove excess functions from blocks and lighten them. It is recommended when taking them out of the ResoLand's world. However, please be aware that once baked, blocks cannot be re-edited.

  • Select the blocks you wish to bake and choose "ResoBlockTool > Bake" from the context menu.


If you encounter a block that can't be grabbed or doesn't snap:

- Equip the RestorationTool and trigger it while pointing the laser at the malfunctioning block.

If blocks saved in the inventory that weren't baked won't snap when taken out:

- Use the RestorationTool in the same manner.
