SMM Space Craft Station

From Resonite Wiki
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SMM Space Craft Station
The player uses the nearby parts to crate their own space station
The player uses the nearby parts to crate their own space station
Created By
Published On
space station, craft, modular, MMC24

SMM Space Craft Station is a world by SUMA for MMC 2024

The world can be accessed with:resrec:///U-MarkN/R-a8daa67f-d8c2-4610-a80a-b8e97a7f050c


The world features a small room with a dome roof with several windows in place for a picturesque view of the outside. The room itself has a spacecraft facility aesthetics with mostly white and blue coloring the structures. There is also an open view of the outside with green hills and a spacious view of the sea.

World Content

Crafting Your Own Space Station

At the center of the room, the player will find a panel in which they can interact. Pressing "Start" on the panel which initiate the building phase of the player's space station. Once finished, the player should see an array of space station modules that they can use to create their own space station.

There are 8 tables which the space station modules on them. There are 52 modules that the player can use to craft their space station.

When the player is done with their space station, the player can press the "Finish" button on the panel. When the button is pressed, the space station will be "baked" and the player is prompted to enter the rocket in front of the room.

The rocket will transport the player into space and connect with the player's space station. The player is then able to walk around in their newly crafted space station. The player is also provided the public folder of the SMM Space Craft Station and a smaller version of the player's crafted space station