
Template page
Name Value Description
bool 0 Byte with starting 1 bits being the value
bool2 1 Byte with starting 2 bits being the value
bool3 2 Byte with starting 3 bits being the value
bool4 3 Byte with starting 4 bits being the value
byte 4 Byte
ushort 5 2 Bytes
uint 6 4 Bytes
ulong 7 8 Bytes
sbyte 8 1 Byte
short 9 2 Bytes
int 10 4 Bytes
long 11 8 Bytes
int2 12 8 Bytes
int3 13 12 Bytes
int4 14 16 bytes
uint2 15 8 Bytes
uint3 16 12 Bytes
uint4 17 16 Bytes
long2 18 16 Bytes
long3 19 24 Bytes
long4 20 32 Bytes
float 21 4 Bytes
float2 22 8 Bytes
float3 23 12 Bytes
float4 24 16 Bytes
floatQ 25 16 Bytes (x,y,z,w)
float2x2 26 16 bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
float3x3 27 36 bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
float4x4 28 64 bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
double 29 8 Bytes
double2 30 16 Bytes
double3 31 24 Bytes
double4 32 32 Bytes
doubleQ 33 40 Bytes
double2x2 34 32 Bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
double3x3 35 72 Bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
double4x4 36 128 Bytes arranged by rows starting at top left down to bottom right.
color 37 16 Bytes which is 4 floats for RGBA
color32 38 4 bytes which is 4 bytes for RGBA
string 39 starts with a 7 bit encoded int with the amount of string bytes. each char is 1 byte also known as UTF-8. NOTE: This begins with a nullable 1 byte boolean if being written as part of a string animation track value. (aka Discrete or Raw string animation track)