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Set {{{1}}}
Set {{{1}}} Is a protoflux node that allows you to set the {{{1}}} direction of the provided Instance (Slot) upon calling * (Call).
See Coordinate Spaces For how this node can be used in bigger systems.
* (Call)
Tell this node to set the {{{1}}} of the provided Instance (Slot)
Instance (Slot)
The slot to set the {{{1}}} of.
{{{1}}} (float3)
The value to set the provided Instance (Slot)'s {{{1}}} to.
Next (Continuation)
Sends an impulse after * (Call) was called and the {{{1}}} of the provided Instance (Slot) was set to {{{1}}} (float3).
//Calling the function from this page causes errors, so have an example thing that is not included to give an idea of what the page would look like