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Sync Delegates are references that represent methods within the Resonite code. They sometimes take arguments depending on what kind of method they call.
Some components expose these methods by default such as StaticTexture2D. More hidden methods can be exposed when using the mod "Show Delegates" from Arti, to do so, go into the inspector of any slot and you should see "---- SYNC METHODS HERE ----", clicking on that should reveal the extra methods. This is not supported officially, and these delegates can change or be removed without warning.
Sync delegates can be grabbed by the user and put into fields that accept them. Some (but not all!) of the components that have fields that accept sync delegates are Button, Button Action Trigger, Character Teleporter and much more.
Some sync delegate actions include but are not limited to: Spawning objects from the cloud (see Things to Avoid), Playing a sound or Randomly spawning objects.
The amount of sync delegate recievers/senders/types in the wiki are too much to list. So to get a running list, see the lists in the links below.