User:AmasterAmaster/World Cleaner

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AmasterAmaster's World Cleaner
The World Cleaner by AmasterAmaster


Amaster's World Cleaner is a item made by AmasterAmaster. It is a simple UIX Panel with button options that when selected gives the user the different options to clean the world.

This item is designed to destroy slots in a world, and it will do so without mercy! Make sure that you have everything saved and you are currently not working on anything in a world before using this item! Use this with caution!


This item was created as a way to quickly and easily clean up a world.


This was inspired by seeing everyone in a grid world leaving their items all over the place and users not cleaning up after themselves.

How To Use

The world cleaner tool has several different parts to it. Here are the following sections:

World Cleaning Option Buttons

This is a menu of selectable world cleaning options, here are the options:

  • A Clean Slate Option button: Selects the option that cleans the entire world except for the spawn.
  • A Grid World Sweep Option button: Selects the option that cleans a grid world (basically making it default again).
  • A Custom Clean Option button: Selects the option that cleans everything except for the slots you provide in a whitelist inside the item.

Clean The World Button

This button will not do anything until one of the options has been selected, then this button will glow red, letting the user know that this button is ready to be pressed. Once pressed, this item will check if you are the host of the world (or if you are in a headless and you are the authorized user), then if either of those are true, it will begin to clean the world, destroying any slots that are not protected by this item.

Deletion Log

This item comes with a handy console that lets you know what items have been detected and what items have been destroyed using this item.

Internal Settings

Inside this item, there are several settings you can use to customize how this item works. The settings are located inside the slot named "Data". Here are the following settings that are the most important:

  • Protected Slots: This Slot has a component that holds a list of slots. Place your slots in here when you want to use the "Custom Clean Option".
  • Protected Slots Length: This Slot keeps track of how many slots you want protect inside the "Protected Slots" list. Make sure this is equal to how many slots you plan on protecting, or some may be missed! (Editor's note: I will look into making this more user friendly).
  • Authorized User: This is only used for Headless worlds. Inside this slot is a string field, use this to enter your name, and as long as you are in a headless, you can clean the world.