
52 editsJoined 13 November 2023


BigRedWolfy is the founder and leader for Resonite Down Under, Voxel Bone Cloud and a Mentor Lead for the Official Mentor Program. Initially having joined the Resonite Community in a previous platform back in late 2020, BigRedWolfy first made their appearance on the platform during Resonite's testing phase, also known as Durian.

BigRedWolfy is well known for his large avatars, and having no spatial awareness at all. The combination of which usually ends up with him being either in the way or blocking someone's view with his body

BigRedWolfy is also well known for being the host for the Mentor Gathering Workshop and the ReSync Lounge and DeSync Lounge.

Periodically BigRedWolfy will go world-hopping searching for new people to meet. This usually involves trying to find a world with a couple users that they have never met.

BigRedWolfy also maintains a wide variety of connections throughout the Resonite community, and is more knowledgeable than he is willing to let on. He also hates any world that makes him appear pink and will almost always refuse to wear the colour unless doing it as a joke

Public Folders

  • BigRedWolfy's Public Folder: resrec:///U-BigRedWolfy/R-2f4f21cb-7c5e-4395-a189-aa879ed0c7fd


BigRedWolfy has a collection of avatar bases spanning over 150 bases. Slowly he is making an effort to makes some into Resonite Packages


Mentor Program

With help from the English Mentor Leads. BigRedWolfy acts as the Front of House lead. Many (but not all) worlds in the mentor program have been created, maintained and updated by him.

Mentor Workshops have been slowly getting setup to be run by the mentor program and work with the existing certification system initially envisioned by MattyK. These workshops are also listed in the Workshops page.

Mentor Training System, originally created by MattyK, the mentor training system was created to train mentor trainees to become mentors. Since launch the mentor training system has had a mentor trainer training wing added to the world, which can be conducted by any willing Mentor Lead. Originally started by TheBasementNerd. The trainer wing in the mentor certification world was finished 26/Mar/2024.

Resonite Down Under

"Maybe someone should create an Australian server" - JustlyDeclarable

Little did they know where that one statement would lead...

As the founder of Resonite Down Under. Initially the community was centered around home server running a headless with BigRedWolfy being the only admin. Since then the community has blossomed into a thriving 200+ users community with Bredo writing the eggs used to run the headlesses and deploying new nodes.

While running this community the Sync Lounge world which the ReSync Lounge, DeSync Lounge and UnSync Lounge run was originally created by BigRedWolfy as a lightweight sandbox world for people to come a relax watching videos or the chaos that occasionally ensues. Since its creation the world has been opening up to having other users contribute to the world's maintenance, and updates.

Voxel Bone Cloud

Predating Resonite Down Under, Voxel Bone Cloud (VBC) is the name of the network BigRedWolfy operates. Several sessions are hosted via this network including but not limited to Resonite Down Under and the Mentor Program. VBC doesn't have a very apparent presence in Resonite as most headlesses run do not use the VBC name.

Metaverse Maker Competition

BigRedWolfy has participated in the Metaverse Maker Competition since 2021 and been an XX-Large supporter for the MMC since 2023

MMC 2021 Contribution:

  • MMC BigRedWolfy Main Dream World V1 (resrec:///U-BigRedWolfy/R-15e528f5-a1ae-4e38-8973-746c46d1bb57)

Their first contribution to the MMC features a world in which you spawn in a strange version of their bedroom where the space is bigger and has a wardrobe with an extra room that flips you upside down. This was their first attempt at making a world with non-euclidean geometry. This world was inspired by BigRedWolfy's weird dreams that rarely occur

MMC 2022 Contribution:

  • Custom Chess Piece Maker (resrec:///G-Pixelbone/R-1e1ea5d5-50ff-4e8a-bcf0-d6707b785bdf)

The next year was a team effort with LeCloutPanda, MrDanver and bredo. This world features an item that can create usable chess pieces with avatars. These pieces could be used with a variety of chess boards.

MMC 2023 Contribution:

  • Lab Rescue: Operation He (resrec:///G-Pixelbone/R-889fab14-12c0-4d1c-853a-37a9cf5910c0)

This was the first MMC where BigRedWolfy participated as a team member and not the team lead. This time it was Sveken's turn to lead and there were numerous team members. This is a fun world where you go on an adventure to save the protobean He. The world is designed in an escape room-style. Along the way there are various puzzles to complete. During play-testing there is a warning to not leave He behind because that's what happened on BigRedWolfy's first attempt with Timaram. BigRedWolfy played a somewhat minor role, creating the exploding wall, designing the rocket's mesh and providing a bit of flux for the scoreboard and playtesting.

MMC 2024 Contributions:

  • Operation He 2 (resrec:///G-1Nm8xITIBKy/R-7b66cc11-7f89-4fee-8058-709adbaaddff)
  • Procedural Laser Tag (resrec:///U-BigRedWolfy/R-496a87bc-14ba-4175-972d-4d8010716910)

Operation He 2 was another team submission lead by Sveken which is a sequel to the previous MMC project. This takes place on the moon and has a similar puzzle-style escape room design to the previous world. BigRedWolfy had a more prominent role using flux to code the system for screaming at plants, oxygen system with helmets and helping around with other miscellaneous tasks. This time during a play through He was not left behind on the first attempt.

Procedural Laser tag was a simplistic solo project with all assets being generated using only tools in Resonite and Audacity for sounds. This game item can be spawned in any world that permits it.

Festa & Uni Festa Idea

Festa 4

  • resrec:///U-BigRedWolfy/R-2e762465-2044-4fc1-a029-37c187ce8e57

During Festa 4 BIgRedWolfy submitted a tool for moving lasers, tools shelves and grabspheres to a user's hand proxies. One thing that wasn't included in the tool was sound to indicate that the tool did something and there's no instructions with it either.

Uni Festa Idea

  • resrec:///U-BigRedWolfy/R-85fedea5-e720-4856-af5e-d08c71230c7f

One of the first projects BigRedWolfy worked on early on in Resonite was an improved teleporter that had a GUI for added destinations or removing them. This is one of the only projects that was partly recorded during development by sheer coincidence as DaBloodyResh was visiting the ReSync Lounge for the first time. BigRedWolfy is visible in the background of the video toward the end and never speaks.